University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Thesis Format

University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Thesis Format

University Of Nairobi UoNBI Thesis Format – Details:


The Board of Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies have decided on the following study rules for the conduct of postgraduate training at the Institute. These rules shall be read together with the common regulations for the Masters and PhD degrees in all faculties at the University of Nairobi (Statutes XXXII), the regulations and syllabus for the postgraduate programs in the Institute, the procedure for research at the University of Nairobi (Doc. No: UON/OP/65), University of Nairobi Intellectual Property Policy 2013, University of Nairobi Research Policy 2013, the University of Nairobi plagiarism Policy 2013 and any other relevant policy.

The postgraduate training at the institute aims to provide comprehensive, internationally competitive training in the theory and practice of environmental governance and management as well as in-depth specialist knowledge of the individually selected research area. It directs the students towards independent, research work and enables them to become responsible environmental stewards.


Training in the first year is made up of taught courses with assessments. Taught courses are specified individually in the regulations and syllabus for the postgraduate programs in the Institute. A candidate may audit additional classes outside of the syllabus if they so wish.

The Postgraduate Studies Committee in the Institute and the supervisors will assure that the candidate actively participates in seminars and journal clubs and has the opportunity to present their work in conferences.

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Director, Wangari Maathai Institute Jan 2015

Guidelines on proposal format and scope

Before commencing research work, a candidate will develop a proposal and submit to the institute for approval in accordance with the procedure for research at the University of Nairobi (Doc. No: UON/OP/65) and within the timelines that will be provided by the Institute


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The proposal should be presented in the following format

Title Page

Project Title- It should be short and precise.

Statement: A proposal submitted to the University of Nairobi in partial/fulfillment of the masters /doctor of philosophy degree in……….e.g. Environmental Governance

Candidate name, qualifications and institution(s) where the degree(s) was/were awarded, Registration number,

Institute where candidate is registered; Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies.

Supervisors’ names, qualifications, affiliated institutions and signatures

Date of submission of proposal at the bottom

Recommended composition of supervisors

One of the supervisors must come from the faculty members affiliated to the Institute

A candidate must have at least two (2) supervisors

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Director, Wangari Maathai Institute Jan 2015

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

Abbreviations and acronyms



Should give a brief overview of the field of study and should have very few references. Recommended: It should be at maximum 2 pages (font size12, double spaced)

Statement of Research Problem

Provide information on research gaps and rationale for the research Research questions

General Objectives: State what you expect to achieve by the study in general terms

Specific Objectives

They should be SMART (specific, measurable, realistic and time bound).

They should be derived from the knowledge gaps as identified in the literature review and justification

Hypothesis (where applicable)


This should be brief information supporting the need for the study based on the literature review. This should address the question of why a solution is needed and why this is the best method to address the problem

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Director, Wangari Maathai Institute Jan 2015

Scope and Limitations

1.This section explains the nature, coverage, and time frame of the study.

2.It presents in brief the subject area of investigation, the place, the time period covered.

3.It discusses the variables included in the study and the exclusion of other variables which are expected to be included.

4.It indicates the extent of capability/feasibility of results arising from the sampling population

Literature Review

Only relevant literature review should be included and;

Should be specific and focused on the problem under investigation.

Should provide the status of knowledge on the subject area and what is unknown and thus the knowledge gaps that the research is going to address.

Should cite recent work and present a clear evidence of originality and contribution to existing knowledge base.

Different subheadings should be used for different subject areas being reviewed

Where there are more than two authors cited literature should use et. al. in all mention(s)

References with one or two authors should have the name(s) mentioned and the year of publication after the name(s).

Theoretical and conceptual framework

Last section should summarize research gaps identified

Materials and Methods (Study area, experimental design, research materials are part of this section)

This section should provide research area, research design, target population, sampling design, research instrument and the statistical treatment of data obtained.

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Director, Wangari Maathai Institute Jan 2015

Study area

Location information (insert map for clarity)

Biophysical features (climate, soils, hydrological aspects, vegetation, fauna)

Land use

Demographic features and community profile

Experimental design and research materials

Should be focused on addressing the objectives identified.

The materials and methods used should be detailed enough that the work can be replicated

For well-established and documented methods, authoritative references should suffice.

Must be detailed enough to include sampling frame and statistical approaches where required


Should start with author’s name(s) and their initials. These should be followed by year of publication in bracket, the title of the article, Journal title in full, Volume of the journal where the paper is published, Pages (first-last page) for example : Fischer, R., and Schwartz, S. (2011). Whence differences in value priorities? Individual, cultural, or artifactual sources. Journal of Cross-CulturalPsychology, 42, 1127-1144.

For other referenced materials other than journals e.g. books, annual reports, use of the Harvard system (Author, Year, Title, Edition and publishers) for example: Hill, K. (2009). Animal “culture”? In K. N. Laland & B. G. Galef (Eds.), The question of animal culture (pp. 269-287). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

References should be arranged in alphabetical order. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Thesis Format

Work Plan

This should indicate the total length of time for the study and the expected activities per month in logical sequence within this frame.

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Director, Wangari Maathai Institute Jan 2015


Work plan and financial plan must go hand in hand.

A detailed itemized budget covering all envisaged aspects of the study will be included. It should include all cost: Personnel Requirement, Materials and Supplies, Communication and transportation, materials reproduction, testing fee, computerization, evaluation, institutional overhead costs if any, per diems and contingences

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Where a student is joining an ongoing project, this should be indicated


They should be at the back

They should be numbered if they are more than one.

They should appear in the table of contents


The proposal should not be more than fifteen (15) pages (News Time Roman, font size 12, double-spaced)

The proposal should be in A4 size (210-297mm).

The margins should be 50mm left hand and 20mm right hand. Text should begin about 40mm from top margin and 20 mm at the bottom of the page

All pages should be numbered consequently and the number should appear above the centre of the upper margin

The printing should be only on one page of the paper

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Director, Wangari Maathai Institute Jan 2015


Each item should start on a new page


Thesis Title

Statement: A thesis submitted to the University of Nairobi in partial/fulfillment of the masters /doctor of philosophy degree Environmental Governance

Investigator, qualifications and institution where the degree was awarded

Department where candidate is registered; Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies

Date of submission of thesis at the bottom

Item 2:


Candidate Declaration (name of the candidate and signature): This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. Students should refer to plagiarism policy of UON

Supervisors Declaration (names of supervisors and signatures): This thesis has been submitted for examination with my/our approval as University supervisors

Item 3: Dedication (Optional)

Item 4: Acknowledgement

Item 5: Table of Contents

Item 6: List of Tables

Item 7: List of Figures

Item 8: List of Appendices

Item 9: List of Abbreviations

Item 10:


Maximum 2 pages, font size 12, double spaces

Paging to be done on Roman numerals up to end of abstract

Paging to be done on Hindu-Arabic numerals for the rest of the thesis

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Director, Wangari Maathai Institute Jan 2015

 The margins should be: left margin 30mm right 20 mm, Top 30mm and bottom 20mm

The thesis may be presented in any of the following formats

OPTION 1: Monograph


Statement of research problem

Research questions

General objectives

Specific objectives



Scope and limitations

Literature Review

Theoretical and Conceptual framework

Study area

Materials and Methods

Results based on research objectives


Or Results and Discussion (where results and discussion are combined)




OPTION 2: Paper format

General introduction


Literature Review

Chapters based on research objectives

Introduction for each chapter

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Director, Wangari Maathai Institute Jan 2015

Materials and Methods for each chapter

Results for each chapter

Discussion for each chapter

Conclusion for each chapter (optional)

General Discussions covering the entire work/ conclusions/Recommendation



Submission of the thesis (see statutes XXXIII)

Statutes XXXIII provides the procedure for submission of thesis. Among other requirements it provides that at least three months before a thesis is submitted, a candidate shall give notice in writing to the Director Board of Postgraduate Studies. Further, it provides that every thesis submitted for examination shall be in quadruplicate and in loose form. A final version of the thesis (6 copies) must be provided in bound form after examination and approval of award. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Thesis Format

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University Of Nairobi UoNBI Thesis Format

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