University Of Nairobi UoNBI Bachelor Of Pharmacy

University Of Nairobi UoNBI Bachelor Of Pharmacy

University Of Nairobi UoNBI Bachelor Of Pharmacy – Check here:

Degree Code: U29
Degree Type: BACHELOR
Degree Duration: 5
Degree Description: Click to View
In the last two decades Kenya has put in place strategies to strengthen the pharmacy workforce through government policies aimed at increased training; improvement of distribution; creating an enabling working environment; recognition and financial and non-financial incentives; and strengthening regulation. Despite these efforts, the ratio of pharmacists to the population remains far below the recommended by the World Health Organization. In the last few decades, the role of the pharmacist globally has been shifting more towards patient care and the majority of the workforce in Kenya is in the community pharmacy sector.  Therefore, though Kenya is the largest manufacturer of pharmaceutical products in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), supplying half of the region’s market, the pharmaceutical industry employs few pharmacists. Besides, there are still relatively few pharmacists in the public sector and the rural-urban pharmacists’ distribution is very low. There have been rapid changes in global health environment requiring greater clinical orientation, leadership and management roles for pharmacists in addition to international technological advances in pharmaceutical industrial sector and Information Technology driven delivery of pharmaceutical services. In recognition of this, there is need to train graduates who can serve in all the pharmaceutical sectors and who are adaptive enough to continue with knowledge growth throughout their professional practice as they are engaged nationally, regionally and internationally. 

The current pharmacy curriculum runs over four years each of 44 weeks. After administering this curriculum for fourteen years, it has been found to be too strenuous because it does not allow students to rest. In addition, it leaves little time for teaching staff to do research and to improve their academic input. Through consultation with students and other stakeholders, it has been found necessary to revise the programme duration to five years, each lasting 36 weeks in order to enhance objectivity and place greater emphasis on acquisition of skills and competencies. This will ensure that both the lecturers and students are more productive.   The distribution of hours to various subjects has been rationalized, taking into consideration both horizontal and vertical integration. The preclinical subjects have been spread over two years, as opposed to the current one year. The common undergraduate courses are well adapted within the curriculum with emphasis on relevance to the pharmacy profession, other health professions and the interaction with the patient.  On completion of the course, the graduates will be expected to be competent in the provision of quality pharmaceutical services.

Degree Courses: View


Course Structure and Duration View Details
The course leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy shall                             be full time for minimum period of not less than five (5) years and                              maximum period of not more than ten (10) academic years. 

Each year will be made up of 36 weeks and all candidates shall                              enrol   for all the prescribed courses offered in each year of study.

The degree program shall be by lectures, laboratory practicals,                                 clinical work, seminars, tutorials, research papers and a research                              project.


All courses for the Bachelor of Pharmacy program shall be    compulsory except       in cases of credit transfer and exemptions as             stipulated in section 4.0.


One (1) unit of study shall be equivalent to 45 Contact hours


Credit Transfers & Exemptions View Details
An applicant may transfer credits for similar courses taken in other   institutions recognized by University of Nairobi Senate. 

A candidate shall be required to send a formal application to the                                                 Academic Registrar through the Dean School of Pharmacy justifying         the request for exemption and attach officially endorsed documents including syllabus for the relevant course as evidence to support such          a request.

A candidate may be required to submit to an exemption examination          set and administered by the respective departments and the results         be submitted to the School Board of Examiners.


A candidate must have attained a minimum grade of pass for the     course for which exemption is applied.


Application for credit transfer or exemption shall be considered only           after the payment of prescribed exemption fee.


Transfer of credit shall be allowed only for pre-clinical courses, subject      to verification of course content covered and level of achievement by         the respective departments.


No exemption or credit transfers shall be allowed in any clinical course      of study.


An applicant may be allowed to transfer up to a maximum of one third        of the pharmacy program.

University Of Nairobi UoNBI Bachelor Of Pharmacy

Entry Requirements View Details

Applicants must have satisfied the University’s general admission criteria of a mean grade C+ (plus) in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E). A minimum C+ (plus) grade pass will be mandatory in each of the cluster subjects. The cluster subjects

for Bachelor of Pharmacy in K.C.S.E are as follows:

  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Physics or Mathematics
  4. English or Kiswahili


Eligibility for consideration for admission into the Module II Bachelor of Pharmacy programme shall be governed by the  following  admission requirements, outlined under each category:

KCSE (8.4.4 System of Education)

Applicants must have obtained an average cluster weight of B- in the             subjects shown below provided that no subject in this cluster shall have a      grade below C+:

Alternative A


– Biology

– Maths/Physics

– English/Kiswahili


Alternative B

– Biological sciences

– Physical Sciences

– Mathematics

– English/Kiswahili



A minimum of two Principal passes in Biology and Chemistry

And a subsidiary pass or credit pass at ‘O’ level in physics or                                     Mathematics.

Biology                                    – Principal

Chemistry                               – Principal

Physics/Mathematics           – Subsidiary

General paper                     – Pass


International Baccalaureate  (IB) Diploma

C (plain) mean grade in KCSE with an average cluster weight of 32 points in relevant subjects as shown in (3.2) above.

In addition, a pass of not less than 5 at IB level in each of the KCSE subjects shown in (3.2) above.

Diploma in Biological Sciences

A minimum O level Division II with credit passes in the                                                   following subjects:

– Biology

– Chemistry

– Physics/Mathematics

or                                          or

– Biology                                  Biological Sciences

– Physics with Chemistry         Physical Sciences

– Mathematics                           Mathematics


C mean grade in KCSE with an average cluster weight  of 32                                    points in relevant subjects as shown in (3.2) above,


In addition, they should have a credit pass in the following                            qualifications from the Kenya Medical Training College or any other                 recognised training institution.

Diploma in

  • Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Laboratory Technology
  • Clinical Medicine
  •  Radiology
  •  Basic and/or Advanced Nursing
  •  Public Health/Environment Health
  • Dental Sciences


Holders of any degree in Biological Sciences from the  University of Nairobi        or equivalent qualifications from a recognised University.


Holders of other qualifications deemed to be equivalent to (2.1 – 2.4)

mentioned above.


Applicants from non-English speaking countries must sit and pass English  assessment examination set and administered by institutions recognised by     University of Nairobi Senate.


Examinations Regulations View Details

1. Candidates are required to attend all prescribed courses.

2. No candidate shall be allowed to sit for any examination unless he/she has satisfactorily completed the prescribed courses.

3. University examinations will comprise of written, practical and oral examinations.

4. The final examinations shall constitute 70 per cent and continuous assessment tests and practicals will constitute 30 per cent in each course taken during the year.

5. A candidate shall be required to pass in all courses taken during the year. The pass mark will be 50 per cent of the total mark.

6. Bachelor of Pharmacy is not classified. The degree performance in each subject shall be graded as follows:

  • 75% and above


Fees (Self Sponsored Students) View Details



Regular students Self – sponsored 



Foreign Students
Tuition fees 






14,600 p.a. 


























Other expenses 










Computer Laboratory 








Caution money (once) 
























Activity fee 
























Identity card (once) 















Level : 1
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
UPC 102 Biochemistry I 225
UPC 103 Medical Physiology 180
UPC104 Mathematics 135
UPC 106 Human Anatomy 180
UPC 101 Chemistry 180
Level : 2
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
UPC 208 Medical Microbiology 180
UPC 211 Pharmaceutics I 45
UPC 212 Pharmacology 1 90
UPC 213 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Ii 225
UPC 215 Social And Behavoural Pharmacy 45
Level : 3
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
UPC 310 Human Pathology 135
UPC 311 Pharmaceutics I 225
UPC 312 Pharmacology Ii 180
UPC 313 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Iii 225
UPC 314 c Pharmacognosy I 225
Level : 4
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
UPC 413 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Iv 225
UPC 417 Elective Term 315
UPC 411 Pharmaceutics Ii 225
UPC 412 Pharmacology Iiid 180
UPC 416 Clinical Pharmacy Id 225
UPC 414 Pharmacognosy Iii 225
Level : 5
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
UPC 511 Pharmaceutics Iv 180 hrs
UPC 512 Pharmacology Iv 180 hrs
UPC 513 Pharmaceutical Chemistry V 180 hrs
UPC 514 Pharmacognosy Iii 90
UPC 515 Pharmacy Management And Leadership 45 hrs
UPC 516 Clinical Pharmacy Ii 225
UPC 517 Research Project 180 hrs
UPC 518 Pharmacy Law And Ethics 45 hrs

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