University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Nursing

University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Nursing

University Of Nairobi UoNBI Nursing – Details:


Degree Code:
Degree Name: B.SC. ( NURSING)
Degree Type: BACHELOR
Degree Duration: 4
Degree Description: Click to View
Degree Courses: View


Course Structure and Duration View Details
  • The curriculum for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree shall extend over a period of not less than 4 levels of 165 weeks. Except in special cases approved by the Senate on recommendation of the Faculty Board and the College Academic Board, all candidates shall enroll in each level for all subjects of that level.
  • If a candidate is unable to continue with studies for any reason acceptable to the University Senate, he or she may be allowed to take time of or to register for fewer units within the level of study provided that his/her stay in the University does not exceed 6 (six) calendar years.
  • All nursing courses shall include intensive experience in both theory and practice.
  • Clinical projects shall be undertaken in the following courses: Community Health Nursing; Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing; Administration of Nursing Services and Curriculum and Instruction in Nursing.
Entry Requirements View Details
  • Candidates for admission must obtain the prescribed minimum grades in K.C.S.E. in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and English or Kiswahili, or the following:
  • Biological Sciences, Physical Science, Mathematics, English or Kiswahili and one subject from group two of K.C.S.E.
  • Alternatively, admission may be granted to outstanding diploma holders from recognised Nursing Colleges. Such candidates must: Hold a diploma with credit or distinction from such Colleges.
  • Be supported in their application by a statement from the principal of that college to the effect that their performance in the diploma course was exceptionally good and that their understanding of basic sciences is such that they will be able to benefit from a degree course. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Nursing
  • Any candidates currently employed shall have their application supported by a statement from their employer.
Examinations Regulations View Details
1. Candidates are required to attend all prescribed courses. 

2. No candidate shall be allowed to sit for any examination unless he/she has satisfactorily completed the prescribed courses.

3. University examinations will comprise of written papers, practicals, oral and/or clinical examinations.

4. The final written examinations shall constitute 70 per cent and continuous assessment test will constitute 30 per cent in courses taken.

5. A separate clinical evaluation grade is given for all courses with a clinical component.

6. A candidate shall be required to pass in all courses taken during any year.

7. The pass mark will be 50 per cent per paper for all subjects taken at the Faculty of Medicine and relevant pass mark for courses taken in other faculties.

8. A candidate shall be required to pass in all subjects for each level provided that a candidate who is permitted to transfer credit(s) from another University shall be considered to have attained a pass standard in the respective subjects.

9. A candidate who fails in one subject within a level may be eligible for compensation in the failed subject provided that:

  • His/her progressive assessment for that particular course is above 50%.
  • The score on the failed subject does not fall below 46%.

10. Each mark in the failed subject will be compensated by a loss of two marks from highest passed subject up to a maximum of 8 marks.

11. A candidate who fails in three subjects shall, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and the approval of Senate be required to repeat the failed subjects and examination(s) of that level provided that shall pay the prescribed fee for the respective subject(s). University Of Nairobi UoNBI Nursing

12. A candidate who fails in one or two subjects shall on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and approval of Senate be permitted to sit for supplementary examination(s), provided the candidate pays the prescribed fees.

13. A candidate who repeats any subject(s) in any level and examination (s) and fails to attain a pass standard or fails a supplementary examination shall on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and approval by Senate be discontinued.

14. A candidate who fails to sit for examination on medical grounds will on production of evidence be allowed to sit for a special examination. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Nursing

15. A candidate who fails to satisfy the requirements for any part of their clinical practice will be required to repeat part of the clinical practice.

  • 75% – 100% – Distinction
  • 65% – 74% – Credit
  • 50% – 64% – Pass
  • 49% – and below – Fail

16. No candidate shall be allowed to repeat any subject in a level on academic grounds, more than once.

17. A candidate who passes all prescribed subjects shall, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and approval of Senate be allowed to proceed to the following level.

Fees View Details




Per Quarter Per annum Per Quarter 


Per annum 


60,000 240,000 2,550.00 10,200.00
Computer Laboratory 5,000.00 65.00
Caution money 


5,000.00 65.00
Examination 5,000.00 65.00
Medical emergencies 

(Per annum)

5,000.00 65.00
Activity 2,000.00 26.00
Registration fess 

(Per annum)

1000..00 14.00
Student identity 

Card (once)

500.00 7.00
SONU 1000.00 14.00
TOTAL 24,500.00 352.00


Fees (Self Sponsored Students) View Details
Bachelor of Science-Nursing-Year I -H32
Course Code Course   Hours  Unit Cost
HNS101 Human Anatomy          300.00             56,470.00
HNS102 Medical Physiology          200.00             37,650.00
HNS103 Biochemistry          100.00             18,820.00
HNS105 Basic Nutrition            45.00               8,470.00
HNS106 Nutrition & Health            45.00               8,470.00
HNS107 Community Health            45.00               8,470.00
HNS108 Intro to Nursing          150.00             28,240.00
HNS109 Intro to Psychology            60.00             11,290.00
CSO101 Intro to Sociology            45.00               8,470.00
CSO102 Intro to Anthropology            45.00               8,470.00
HNS204 Rural Sociology            45.00               8,470.00
HNS205 Basic Statistics            45.00               8,470.00
Practicum          150.00             28,240.00
Tuition       1,275.00            240,000.00
Laboratory                5,000.00
Medical                5,000.00
Examination                5,000.00
Student Organization (SONU)                1,000.00
Caution                5,000.00
Library                2,000.00
Registration                1,000.00
ID Card                   500.00
Quarter 1              84,500.00
Quarter 2              60,000.00
Quarter 3              60,000.00
Quarter 4              60,000.00
Total-Year 1 Nursing Fees            264,500.00


Introduction View Details
According to the syllabus for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing which was approved in 1991, the course is supposed to develop a liberally educated and self -directing individuals. Such individuals should be prepared to provide leadership in Nursing practice, Nursing Administration, Nursing Education, Research and Publication in their chosen area of specialization. Such individuals should be able to function effectively in a variety of settings, where the sick are cared for and where the health of individuals, families and communities is maintained and promoted.
Lectures and Practical hours View Details

  • Wednesday s: 10.00 – 11.00 a.m
  • Fridays: 10.00 a.m. – 12 Noon


  • Tuesdays: 2.00 – 5.00 p.m
  • Total Lecture Hours: 3 x 22 = 66
  • Practical Hours” 3 x 8 = 24
  • Tutorials & CATs Hours=10

Totals Hours 100

List of Practicals View Details
  1. Separation of amino acids by paper chromatography
  2. Electrophoretic separation of amino acids
  3. Determination of proteins by Biuret method.
  4. Effect of salt precipitation of albumin from globulin by salt precipitation and determination of A/C ratio
  5. Effect of pH on protein solubility. Isoelectric precipitation
  6. Extraction and thin layer chromatography of lipids
  7. Molich test for carbohydrates. Benedict test for reducing sugars. Barfoeds test.
  8. Seliwanoff test and Bials test for sugars.
  9. Iodine test for polysaccharides.
Recommendations View Details
In the current world, recombinant DNA technology, protein chemistry and the structural biology have come together to reveal the molecular mechanisms of fundamental biological processes. In order to use biochemistry as a tool to encourage BSc Nursing students to develop their thirst for more extensive knowledge of their curriculum; 

The Biochemistry course needs to be reviewed

More time and better design of the course should be considered

Structure of Curriculum View Details
According to the same document, Biochemistry (HAN 202) should be taught in year II. This is sensible because by, then the students should have done HAN 103 Basic chemistry in year I. 

No document supports the fact that Biochemistry HNS 103 is and has been taught at Year 1, and that the course content (see below) does not cover any elements of chemistry. This has posed a lot of difficulties in covering all the topics to be shown within the stipulated 70 hrs of lectures and 30 hrs of practicals. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Nursing

Reports coming from some of the departments like clinical chemistry and Haematology, indicate that after level one Biochemistry “crash” programme, these students find it easy to learn in the said departments. Biochemistry helps BSc. Nursing students to assimilate many other subjects related to health, diseases and management of the same.

BSc Nursing students finish and leave the department of Biochemistry at the end of second quarter of their year 1 studies. A talk with some of them later, reveals that they do appreciate the succient summary of the Biochemistry course on which more advanced study of their BSc degree courses are based.


Level : Non Specified
Semester: Non Specified
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
HNS201 Reproductive Anatomy And Physiology 68
HNS210 Educational Psychology
HNS 307 Research Methodology
HNS107 Community Health 90
HNS301 Educational Communication And Technology
HNS302 Medical / Surgical Nursing Ii 360
Level : 1
Semester: Non Specified
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
HNS104 Nutrition And Health 90
HNS105 Fundamentals Of Nursing 270
HNS102 Medical Physiology 200
HNS106 Psychology 68
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
CSO101 Introduction To Sociology 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
CSO102 Introduction To Anthropology 45
Level : 2
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
HNS101 Human Anatomy 30
HNS204 Haematology 45
HNS205 Basic Statistics 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
HNS202 Medical Microbiology 135
HNS203 Clinical Chemistry 67
HNS206 Medical Surgical Nursing I 450
HNS207 Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics 180
HNS209 Family Health Nursing 150
HNS303 Paediatric Nursing 270
HNS304 Community Health Nursing I 270
HNS305 Mental Health And Psychiatric Nursing 315
HNS306 Midwifery/obstetric & Gynaecological Nursing 26
Level : 4
Semester: Non Specified
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
HNS401 Medical Surgical Nursing Iii 540
HNS402 Management And Administration Of Nursing Services 270
HNS403 Curriculum And Instruction In Nursing 270
HNS404 Research Project 90
HNS406 Community Health Practice 270

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