Potchefstroom Academy Student Portal

Potchefstroom Academy Student Portal



Potchefstroom Academy and SAAHST are situated in Potchefstroom, a vibrant student-town. The safe, student-friendly environment ensures that our students remain engaged in learning while providing them with the opportunity to get involved in sports and social events as well as meeting interesting people and sharing experiences that are sure to last a lifetime.

Potchefstroom Academy’s Student Council and House Committees ensure that organized activities form part of vibrant student life, to name just a few:

  • Get-2-Gether Program for first years (Ken-mekaar-program)
  • First-year concert
  • Welcome back
  • “Hartklopdag”
  • Winter nights
  • Auction evening
  • Annual Golf day
  • Movie nights
  • Community service projects e.g. CANSA Relay for life, SPCA, etc.
  • Annual formal banquet
  • Crowning of Mr & Miss Academy
  • Student projects exhibitions
  • Sport
  • Talent show


Potchefstroom Academy Part-Time

Potchefstroom Academy Short Courses

Potchefstroom Academy Bursary

Potchefstroom Academy Apply Now 2022-2023

Potchefstroom Academy Campuses

Potchefstroom Academy Campus Online

Potchefstroom Academy Accommodation

Potchefstroom Academy Moodle

Potchefstroom Academy and Saahas Potchefstroom


Saps Mounted Academy Potchefstroom Contact Details

Potchefstroom Academy Contact Address

Potchefstroom Academy Email Address

Potchefstroom Academy Vacancies

Potchefstroom Academy Career

Potchefstroom Academy Fees

Potchefstroom Academy Courses

Potchefstroom Academy Student Portal

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