Kenyatta University School Of Medicine Courses

Kenyatta University School Of Medicine Courses

Kenyatta University School Of Medicine Courses Kenyatta University School Of Medicine Courses – Details:

Undergraduate Programmes

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • Bachelor of Science (Medical Laboratory Science)

Graduate Programmes

Master of Science (Infectious Diseases)

Entry Requirements
The common university regulations for Master of Science degree shall apply. The general regulations for Master of Science degree in the School of Health Sciences shall apply. In addition, the following shall be eligible for registration for the Master of Science degree in the Department of Medical Laboratory Science:
i. A holder of B.Sc. (MLS)
ii. A holder of a general B.Sc. degree with an upper second class honours in the following areas: Biological Sciences; Pharmacy; Food Science and Environmental Health.
iii. Those with Second Class (Lower Division) may be considered on condition that they have grade “B” and above in units relevant to their areas of specialization.
iv. A holder of an equivalent undergraduate degree to i-iii above from recognized universities.

Duration and Pattern
The M.Sc. (Infectious Diseases) will be offered through course work, examination and thesis
Candidates with sufficient coverage in infectious diseases equivalent to the coursework in this programme may be considered for the M.Sc. by thesis only. The course work lasts one academic year (two semesters).
Candidates must pass all the units offered in the first year in order to implement their research proposal in the second year. Students are required to register for all the core units before they enroll for the optional units. Optional units are offered to students who wish to specialize in specific areas of infectious diseases. It is expected that students choose only one area of specialization viz. Virology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology or Immunology

Examination Regulations
The common University and School Examination Regulations for M.Sc. shall apply. Each unit in the M.Sc. programme shall comprise of Continuous Assessment Tests (CATS) and University examination The CAT may be in the form of assignments or written questions or practical exercises or combination of these. The distribution of marks in each unit shall be as follows: CATS 30% and University examination 70%. The pass mark in each unit shall be 50%. Supplementary examinations will be offered for failed units and the highest grade in this examination shall be grade C.
A candidate who fails more than two units offered shall be discontinued. The grading system shall be as follows: Score of 49% and below is FAIL. Score of 50 – 59% is C. Score of 60 – 69% is B. Score of 70% and above is A.
Candidates who fail a supplementary unit shall be discontinued.

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Graduates of this programme will be awarded a Master of Science degree in Infectious Disease, M.Sc. (Infectious Diseases).

First Year Units
First Semester (Core Units)
HML 800: Fundamentals of Virology
HML 801: Basic Immunology
HML 802: Bacteriology
HML 803: Medical Mycology
HML 804: Parasitology

Second Semester
Core Units
HML 805: Research Methods and Biostatistics
HML 806: Advanced Epidemiology

Optional Units
Virology Option
HML 807: Tumour Virology
HML 808: Molecular Virology I
HML 809: Molecular Virology II

Immunology Option
HML 810: Cellular Immunology
HML 811: Molecular Immunology
HML 812: Immunopathology

Bacteriology Option
HML 813: Bacterial Genetics
HML 814: Special Bacterial Syndromes
HML 815: Human Bacterial Infections

Mycology Option
HML 816: Molecular Mycology
HML 817: Human Mycoses
HML 818: Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins

Parasitology Option
HML 819: Molecular Parasitology
HML 820: Tropical Parasitic Disorders
HML 821: Vector Biology

Doctor of Philosophy

Entry Requirements

Masters degree in Bacteriology, Virology, Immunology, Parasitology, Mycology, Haematology, Biochemistry, Histology, Cytology and Laboratory management y from Kenyatta University or any other recognized Institution.

PhD Thesis

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