About Kenyatta University Distance Learning

About Kenyatta University Distance Learning

About Kenyatta University Distance Learning; In line with the university vision and mission, one of the objectives of Kenyatta University is to promote the development and expansion of higher education opportunities through the initiation of new programs and alternative modes of delivery using among others – modern technologies. In tandem with this objective, the University has sought, as a strategic goal, to enhance access to University education to meet the ever-increasing demand for higher education by among other strategies, strengthening Open Distance and E-Learning mode of delivery.
The creation of the Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning on 30th June 2014 was borne out of the University’s cogent desire to leverage technology-enabled learning with a view to enhancing access to University education through Open and Distance Learning. Indeed today, technology-enabled open and distance learning has become an integral component of mainstream systems in both developed and developing countries. It has facilitated and opened up University education space to thousands of students who might otherwise miss out on access to higher education. Through the use of mobile technologies to promote technology-enabled learning the Digital School has ensured that learning moves out of the classroom into the learner’s environment both real and virtual. Learners are able to learn from anywhere, anytime at their own schedule and pace.

Digital School provides a wide range of quality programs at Certificate, Diploma and Postgraduate levels through the Blended Learning approach which combines online digital instruction with live tutorials.
Regional Learning Centers have been established in Nairobi, Mombasa, Garissa, Embu, Nyeri, Nakuru, Kericho, Kisumu and Kakamega to bring support services closer to the learners.

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To become the preferred school of choice, in the use of modern technologies in the delivery of quality education, training and professional development.

To enhance the quality of higher education through flexible modes of delivery and modern technology, for individual and social development.


  1. To provide learning opportunities to clients who are in full time or part-time work, who have family or community commitments, or who are unable to take up full time on campus programmes.
  2. To provide a wide range of quality programme or certificate, diploma and degree levels, that respond to needs of the market, through blended and online format.
  3. To customize programmes to meet specific needs of individual organizations or institutions locally and in the region.
  4. To partner with similar institutions and organizations locally, regionally and internationally, in pursuit of the School mandate.
  5. To undertake continuing capacity development of staff to enable them to orient and adjust to new technologies and approaches in e-Learning.

The Digital School comprises of three main Departments Content Development, Teaching and Quality Assurance and Examinations. The Digital School has Centres in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Kakamega, Kericho, Nyeri, Embu, Garissa and Marsabit.

Kenyatta University Digital: Kenyatta University Digital School

You can visit and Access the Kenyatta University Digital School using a computer or mobile via the following link:

  • Kenyatta University Digital School: http://www.ku.ac.ke/dsvol/
  • Kenyatta University Website: http://www.ku.ac.ke/

The Registrar (Academic),
Kenyatta University
P. O. Box 43844 – 00100 Nairobi

Mobile: 0719 739 438
Tel: 020 870 3288


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