Moi University Thesis Format

Moi University Thesis Format

Moi University Thesis Format

Moi University Thesis Format Guidelines

Moi University Thesis Format Guidelines – Details:

Graduate Studies Research and Extension Committee




A thesis is a presentation of original research carried out by the author. The results and findings of thesis research may be of significance and in demand for many years after the thesis is written. The thesis must be well presented and in a durable form.

The thesis presentation for the examination should be in its final form, only awaiting binding. They are normally written in English. Requests for permission to write in some other language pertinent to the research can be granted upon justification to Senate, through Departmental or School Graduate Committees. It should indicate the availability of faculty members competent in the language and field, and who are willing to serve as supervisors and on the Examination Board. In these cases, the abstract, detailed summary and conclusion must be submitted with the thesis in English. Moi University Thesis Format Guidelines


Every scholarly field has its preferred citation style. This guide recommends the system devised by the American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing System.

Contents of the Thesis

Preceding the main contents of the thesis should be in the following sequential order:


i.Cover page

ii. Title page

iii.Signatory/Declaration page

iv. Dedication


vi. Table of Contents

vii. List of tables

viii. List of figures

ix. Acknowledgements

2.Main body of the Thesis



1GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

Format of Thesis

All these shall be typed in double spacing between lines on good quality paper (minimum 80 grams) of A4 size, and preferably in Microsoft Word New Times Roman font size 12.

Margins shall be of at least 35mm on the left-hand side, 25mm on the right-hand side and the top and bottom of each page. Tables and figures must also conform to these margin requirements even when headings are taken into account. Text and graphics are to be kept together on the same page.

Each figure and its captions should appear on the same page. This also applies to tables, though they may be continued on subsequent pages. Moi University Thesis Format Guidelines

Long tables and maps that do not fit two pages shall normally be confined to the appendices.

Page numbers should appear on the top right-hand corner.

Theses shall be submitted in the first instance for the examination loosely bound (e.g. spiral binding). After the examination and final acceptance, these shall be bound in boards, covered in green buckram. The bound copies shall be lettered in gold on the spine with the following information; “Surname of author and initials, degree and year” in that order. On the outside front cover of the bound theses shall appear the following information: “Title of thesis, the full name of the author, and year” in that order. Moi University Thesis Format Guidelines


1.Cover Title






On the Spine of Thesis:




2.Title Page



2GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

B.Sc., MPhil

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the Department of Zoology, Moi University


3.Declaration Page

Declaration by the Candidate

This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. No part of this thesis may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the author and/or Moi University.

Mwangi wa Kamau ……………………………… Date:


Declaration by Supervisors

This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as University Supervisors.

Name of Supervisor ………………………………



(Name of University, Place, Country)

Name of Supervisor ………………………………



Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya


The author of the thesis may wish to dedicate the thesis to person(s) of his/her choice that may have inspired directly or indirectly the accomplishment of the thesis.


The abstract should give a synopsis of the work carried out, the significant results obtained and the major conclusions of the thesis. The maximum length of the abstract should be 500 words in a single space and normally unstructured.

Table of Contents

This indicates the pages in which the various chapters of the thesis as well as major subsections can be found.

List of Tables

3GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

This indicates the pages in which the various tables are to be found. The titles appearing here should be the same as those in the text. The table number and its captions should be placed two spaces above the top line of the table.

List of Figures

This indicates the pages in which various figures are to be found in the main body of the thesis. The title appearing here should be the same as the figure captions. The figure number and its caption should be placed two spaces below the last line or the bottom edge of the figure. All broadside material should be placed so that the top of the table is nearest to the binding. The placement of the table or figure either vertically or horizontally does not change the position of the page number.


Individuals and institutions that may have contributed to the execution of the work should be properly acknowledged.

Body of the Thesis

The detailed arrangement of this will vary from one field of research to another, although it would be expected that the thesis would contain:




Discussion (or interpretation of the results)

Summary (or conclusions)


An article in a Journal with Continuous Pagination

Ghosh, S. Improved Sludge Gasification by Two-Phase Anaerobic Digestion Journal of Environmental Engineering 113, 1265-1283.

Vickery, B., C (1997). Knowledge Discovery from Databases: An Introductory Review. Journal of Documentation 53 107-122.

An Article with a Separate Pagination in Each Issue:

Nereida, C., & Jarvis, H.(1993). The Challenge of Building an International Union Catalog: The Vietnamese Experience Asian Libraries, 3 (2), 36-43.

A Magazine Article

(1997, 28 February). A step towards the Digital Rep. Bookseller, p.16

4GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

A Newspaper Article

Newspaper Article

i.No author’s name provided

Mijikenda and Kiswahili.(1999, 8-14 Aug). Herald p. 29

ii. Author’s name provided

James, R. F. (1997, 22, July). New Trends in Health New York Times, p. 3+,

A Book by a Single Author

Adams, R. (1990). Communication and Delivery Systems for Librarians. Aldershot: Gower.

Richardson, W. C., & Dickinson, E. (Eds.).(1994).Her Life and Poetry (3rd Ed.). New York: Random.

Two or more books by the same Author

Smith, C. R. (Ed.). (1994). Robert Frost’s Poetry (2nd ed.). New York: Random.

……(1995). Symbolism in Robert Frost’s Poetry New York: Harper.

……(1997). trans. A Young Reader’s Guide to the Poetry of Robert Frost. By John T. Collins, Edgewood Cliffs. New Jersey: Prentice.

A Book by Two or More Authors

Harrison, S. W., & Wright, B. R. (1994). Movies in the Twentieth Century Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP.

Peabody, C. T., Robert, N. J. (Jr.), & Sylvia, W. S. (1993). Ernest

Hemingway: The Early Years. (Rev ed.). New York: St. Martin’s.

An Essay in a Book Collection

Ginman, M.(1992). Information Culture and Business Performance In B. Cronin (Ed.), The Marketing of Library and Information Services (2nd ed., pp. 103-116). London: Aslib.

Martin, S. A. (1992). Willy Loman: A Modern Tragic Hero. In G. T. Richardson (Ed.), Arthur Miller: A Collection of Essays (pp. 72-84). Boston: Houghton.

A Book Published in a Second or Subsequent Edition

Robson, W. (1997). Strategic Management and Information Systems: An Integrated Approach (2nd ed.). London Pitman Publishing.

Sydney, B. E. (1992). A Study of James Joyce (2nd ed.). Boston: Little.

A Book in a Series

Vickers, P., & Martyn, J. (eds.) (1994). The Impact of Electronic Publishing on Library Services and Resources in the UK: Report of the British Library Working Party on Electronic Publishing. In Library and Information Research Report (Vol. 102). London: British Library Board.

5GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

WWW Home Pages

The British Library Home Page (1997). Online British Library Board. Retrieved September 6, 1997, from


McAllister, J. (2000). Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Neighborhood. Salem, Massachusetts: Salem Tales. Retrieved February 11, 2000, from < htm>.

An Online Scholarly Database or Project

Anderson, D. & Safran, M. (Eds.). (1996, 3 November) Women of the Romantic Period. The University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved February 21, 2000, from <>.

A Book in Print and Online:

Sandburg, C. (1916) Chicago Poems. New York: Holt. Retrieved February 21, 2000, from <>.

An Article from a Journal (originally printed, but found online)

Abdool Karim, S., & Abdool Karim, Q. (2007). HIV/AIDS in South Africa revisited [Electronic Version]. South African Journal of Science 103, 90

An Article from a Scholarly Journal (online only)

DeShong, S. (1998). Sylvia Plath, Emmanuel Levinas, and the Aesthetics of Pathos. Postmodern Culture 8,3, 23 Retrieved June 25, 1998, from

An Online Monthly or Bimonthly Magazine Article:

Kurzwell, R. (January 2000) Live Forever: Uploading the Human Brain. Psychology Today Online. Retrieved January 30, 2000, from <>.

A Newspaper Article Available Online:

Greenhouse, S. (1998, June 28). Companies React Quickly to Court’s Sexual Harassment Rulings. New Times of the Web. Retrieved June 28, 1998.

6GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

< harass.html>.

An E-mail Message:

Stoker, D. (1997, January 20) Email to Tim Cullen re. Funding Proposal.

A Videocassette or Digital Videodisc (DVD):

Roberts, J. & Gere, R. (Perf.) & Marshall, G. (Director). (1999). Runaway Bride [DVD film]. Paramount/Touchstone

An Online Photograph:

McAllister, J. (2000). House of the Seven Gables [ Photograph]. Salem, Massachusetts: Salem Tales. Retrieved February 11, 2000, from

An Online Map:

Salem in 1692: Town and Village (Map) (2000) Images from the Salem Witch Trials. Retrieved February 11, 2000, from < TM>.

Downloaded Computer Software:

Adobe Inc. (1998). Adobe Acrobat. Vers. 3.01. Retrieved June 25, 1998, from

An Entry from an Encyclopedia on CD-ROM:

Frost, Robert Lee (1995) Encarta ’95 [CD-ROM]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft.

A Scholarly Journal Article from Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) on CD-ROM:

Kim, A. C.(1997) How College Faculty Evaluate Second Language Writing (Abstract). Research and Teaching in Developmental Education 14,1, 35-48.[ERIC. CD-ROM] SilverPlatter. EJ557280.

An Entry from an Online Encyclopedia:

Encyclopedia Britanica (1998). Dickinson, Emily. Encyclopedia Britannica

OnlineRetrieved February 21, 2000, from <>

A Definition from an Online Dictionary:

7GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

Deism (Definition) (1999). Merriam-Webster Online Retrieved February 21, 2000 from < va=Deism>.

A Book by Corporate Author

World Bank. (1988). International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies for Adjustment, Revitalization and Expansion Washington, D.C World Bank.

Book Chapter

Baker, B. H. (1953). The Alkaline Complex of Jombo. In P. V. Caswell (Ed.),

Geology of the Mombasa – Kwale Area. Report No.24 (pp. 32-48). Nairobi Geological Survey of Kenya.

Crews, F. (1966). Psychological Romance. In The Sins of the Fathers: Hawthorne’s Psychological Themes (pp. 3-26). New York: Oxford UP.

Edens, W., & et al (Eds.). (1977). Teaching Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton UP.

Hodges, J. C., & et al. (2001). Hodges’ Harbrace Handbook (14th ed.). Fort Worth: Harcourt.

Kenya Office of the Vice President and Ministry of Planning and National Development. (1997). Kitui District Development Plan 1997-2000. Nairobi: Government Printers.

Raitt, D., I., & Ben Jeapes. (December 1994). Online Information 94. Paper presented at the 18th International Online Information Meeting, London: 608.

Conference Proceedings

Raitt, D, I. and Jeapes, B. (eds.) (1994, December) Online Information 94. In Proceedings of the 18th International Online Information Meeting, London, 608, UK.

Unpublished Thesis

Walaba, A. A. (1998). The Teaching of Christian Religious Education in

Kenyan Teachers’ Training Colleges and Secondary Schools from 1920 to 1989: A Historical Perspective. Unpublished D.Phil. Thesis. Eldoret: Moi University, School of Education. Moi University Thesis Format Guidelines

WWW Home Pages

The British Library (1997). Online British Library Board. Retrieved September, 6th, 1997 from


8GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

McAllister, J (2000) Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Neighbourhood. Salem, Massachusetts: Salem Tales. Jan. 2000. 11 Feb. 2000. < htm>.

9GSREC | Sub-Committee on Guidelines for Thesis Writing

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