Kenyatta University Bachelor Of Arts

Kenyatta University Bachelor Of Arts

Kenyatta University Bachelor Of Arts – Details:



  • Bachelor of Arts(Art and Design)

The common University regulations and entry requirements for Undergraduate courses shall apply.
In addition, consideration will be given to those with:

  • KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) or it’s equivalent but without art. These should present a portfolio of artworks to the Department of Art and Design for assessment.  OR
  • KCSE mean a grade of C (plain) or its equivalent and with a Diploma in Art and Design from a recognized institution. OR
  • KCSE mean a grade of C (plain) or its equivalent with a P1 certificate and proven experience in Art and Design. OR
  • Mean grade of C-(minus) at KCSE and progressed from certificate to Diploma at Kenyatta University or any other recognized/accredited Institutions.

The undergraduate programme in Fine Art and Design will award degrees in:-

  1. Bachelor of Arts ( Arts and Design)  –  (BA  (Art and Design)
The General University rules on the duration of the degree programme shall apply.
Bachelor of Arts (Art and Design)
Course study
The students will follow a 3:2:1:1 programme.  This means 3 disciplines in level 100 series, 2 in level 200 series, and 1 discipline in level 300 and 400 series respectively. Of the units required in the level 100 series, 3 units shall be in Art and Design.  In level 200 series, 8 units shall be in Art and Design and 4 units from the 2nd subject from another department.  In levels 300 all 13 units and in 400 series, all the 12 units will be from Art and Design.


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Common University examination regulations shall apply. University exams shall be given at the end of each semester. In theory exams, 30% shall constitute Continuous Assessment Tests whereas 70% shall constitute the examination mark. In practical exams, the assessment shall be out of 100%.




  • Bachelor of Arts(Theatre Arts and Film Technology)
  • Bachelor of Arts(Film Technology)

These are the same as those for admissions to the School of Visual and Performing Arts.

There will be three categories of students:
The students who will be admitted through the Joint Admissions Board [JAB] or Self-sponsored programme whose entry requirement will be laid down by University Requirements and
the direct entry students will be required to have at least a Diploma in Film or Mass communication, or a Diploma in Education and proven Theatre Arts experience or, Holders of Diploma in Theatre Arts


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