Egerton University Geography Department

Egerton University Geography Department

Egerton University Geography Department – Details:


The Department of Geography was established in the year 1989 – three years after the establishment of Egerton University. The department was administratively under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) until later in 1999 when it was transferred to the Faculty of Environment and Resources Development. For a long time, Geography was and still is a service department offering courses to the Faculties of Education and Community Studies (FEDCOS), Science and Arts & Social Sciences (FASS). The service courses lead to.BA, B.Ed (Arts), B.Ed (Sci), BSc., BSc. (Military) degrees, and diploma (in Education). In addition, the department offers BSc (Geography), PhD, MA, MSc (in Geography) and a Geographic Information System (GIS) certificate programs. The department has dynamic programs that train graduates on environment-society interaction. Our teaching faithfully incorporates theory and practice. After lectures, we ensure our students go out in the field – ‘our laboratory’ to enable them to relate human-nature interaction. We have integrated important skill acquisition courses such as GIS and computerized cartography in our curriculum with a view to giving our graduates a competitive edge in the job market. We are committed to enhancing skill applications through GIS and remote sensing. In addition, our training ensures graduates from the department are in a pole position to solve societal and environmental challenges – ranging from the physical space and geopolitics to population growth and land degradation. We are keen on maintaining the identity of Geography as a discipline and in highlighting its role in society today. Egerton University Geography Department

Chairs of Department

1989-1998: Prof. Josephine. Musangi

1998-1999: Dr Rosemary Hayanga

1999-2001: Dr Simon Onywere

2001-2009: Dr. Charles Maina Gichaba

2009-2014: Dr. Joseph Oluoch Otieno

2014-present: Dr. Charles Wambongo S. Recha



Mission: To generate and disseminate significant geographical knowledge and offer exemplary education to our students in order to contribute to national and global development

Vision: To be a world-class centre of excellence in quality teaching, independent research and dissemination of geographical knowledge.

Quality Objectives:

  1. Provide 100% teaching and examination services every semester
  2. Promote research that is relevant to society and the discipline of Geography
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iii. Develop and revise the academic programmes to meet societal needs.

Strategies to Achieve Quality Objectives

Objective 1Provide 100% teaching and examination services every semester

This shall be achieved through the implementation of the Egerton University Quality Management System. The specific activities are:

  1. Submission of course outlines within the first two weeks of the semester
  2. Monitoring of class attendance  through the filling of class attendance forms
  3. Monitoring of course coverage
  4. Planning and implementation of academic field visit – inclusive of submission of field reports
  5. Administering CATs within the University stipulated calendar and returning the marked CAT papers to students before sitting for the final examinations
  6. Timely submission of moderated examination papers to the Director, Examination and Time- Tabling.
  7. Timely entry of marks in Academic Record Management System (ARMS)

Objective 2: Promote research that is relevant to the nation and the discipline of Geography

  1. Research mentoring
  2. Research seminars and workshops

iii. Individual and joint research proposal submission to funding agencies

  1. Regular research seminars
  2. Recommendation/approval of scholarships and international linkages

Objective 3: Develop and revise the academic programmes to meet societal needs.

  1. Establish a departmental curriculum Review committee
  2. Provide a working environment for curriculum review to a departmental curriculum committee.

iii. Promote visiting fellowship (in and out of the department) aimed at contributing to curriculum development

  1. Regularly participate in self-assessment of the department’s academic programmes



Admission Criteria

Sr. No. Programme (s) Minimum Entry Requirements
1 B.Sc Geography, 

B.Ed (Arts)/ B.Ed (Sci)



Mean Grade C+ 

Ø English/Kiswahili C+ (Plus) Geography C+ (Plus)

Ø Biology/Biological sciences/Agriculture C (Plain) Economics C (Plain)

Ø Mathematics C (Plain).

Applicants with Diploma in relevant fields are also eligible

2 Master of Arts (MA) in Geography Ø A holder of a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree with at least Upper Second Class Honours in Geography either as a single subject or as one of the main subjects studied 

Ø A holder of a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) – Arts degree who has studied Geography as a major subject and has attained at least an Upper Second Class Honours.


Ø Under special circumstances and based on other University requirements, candidates with Second Class Honours (lower division) shall be considered.

3 Master of Science (M.Sc)  in Geography Ø A holder of a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree with at least Upper Second Class Honours in Geography either as a single subject or as one of the main subjects studied 

Ø A holder of a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Science degree who has studied Geography as a major subject and has attained at least an Upper Second Class Honours.


Ø Under special circumstances and based on other University requirements, candidates with Second Class Honours (lower division) shall be considered.

4 Master of Arts in Urban Management Ø At least an Upper Second class division or its equivalent in a field related to urban management from a university recognized by Egerton University Senate. 

Ø Candidates with a Second Class Degree Lower Division with at least two years of work experience in urban management-related fields will be considered for admission.

Ø The department may recommend the admission of students who do not meet the above requirements but show strength in their practical fields that may warrant such admissions.

Entry Requirements… Continued

Sr. No. Programme Minimum Entry Requirements
5 PhD in Geography Ø Should have an MA/MSc in geography or its equivalent in a related field from a university recognized by Egerton University Senate
6 PhD in Urban Management Ø Should have a master’s degree or its equivalent in a field related to urban management, from a university recognized by Egerton University Senate. 

Ø The department may recommend the admission of students who do not meet the above requirements but show strength in their practical fields that may warrant such admissions.

7 GIS Certificate Ø A Certificate in basic computer application 

Ø A practising or aspiring professional in environment, demography, development studies among others





o BSc. (Geography)

o B.Ed (Arts)                             with Geography combination

o B.Ed (Sci)

o B.Ed (Pri)

oB.A (Gen)

o B.Sc (Gen)


o M.A/M.Sc (Geography) on both regular and school-based basis

o M.A in Urban Management (Njoro & Town Campus).

o PhD in Geography

o PhD in Urban Management


o Geographic Information System (GIS) (short course) – offered on a need a basis

Diploma (in Education) – with Geography combination

NB: Most of our programs are offered at Njoro (main), Nakuru Town Campus College, Nairobi City Campus.


Contact Us

The Department of Geography

Egerton University

P.O Box 536 – 20115, EGERTON

Tel: +254-051-2217804 Ext 3165



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