Christ Baptist Church Seminary Courses Offered

Christ Baptist Church Seminary Courses Offered


The seminary currently offers two programmes: a 360 credit Bachelor Theology; and a 360 credit Diploma in Theology. The Diploma is a three-year programme while the Degree is currently a four-year programme.

The language of instruction for all courses is solely English.

The Degree programme offers studies in Biblical Hebrew and Greek Grammar and Exegesis. These language classes are compulsory for the Degree qualification.

As part of the seminary’s goal to equip pastors for life-long ministry, the seminary issues course textbooks to each student every semester. These include expositional and exegetical commentaries; biblical language tools such as Greek and Hebrew Bibles and lexicons; theological textbooks; Old and New Testament survey and introduction books; church history books; Bible dictionaries and atlases; practical ministry books; and more.

By graduation, each student would have personally acquired a library-worth of books useful for research and preaching and teaching.



CAD 100 English Proficiency
CAD 101 Research Methods
CST 100 Bible Overview
CBE 100 Expository Preaching I
CPT 100 Pastoral Ministry I
(Pastor’s Home)


COT 110 OT Survey I
CNT 110 NT Survey I
CEX 110 Hermeneutics I
CST 110 Theology I
CPT 110 Pastoral Ministry II
(Prayer & Worship)
CPT 111 Missiology




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Christ Baptist Church Seminary Courses Offered

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