Central University Of Technology Admission Process

Central University Of Technology Admission Process

  • Applications for the following year will open in May/June of each year; the closing date is the end of August.
  • Applications for the second semester will open in March/April of each year; the closing date is the end of May. Please note only selected programmes have a second-semester intake.

Prospective students must provide the Assistant Registrar: Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services with their completed application forms for admission to the CUT as early as possible in the preceding academic year or semester.

Once the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit have processed the applications, a selection list is drawn up and forwarded to the various faculties.

Upon receipt of the selection lists, the head of the department divides the applications into three (3) categories, namely:

  • Applicants who meet all the admission requirements;
  • Applicants to be subjected to the testing of potential;
  • Applicants who are considered academically unsuccessful.

Applicants falling into the first category are notified in writing by the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit that their applications for admission to the CUT have been successful.

The unsuccessful applicants falling into the third category are notified in writing by the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit that their applications for admission to the CUT have been unsuccessful.

Applicants falling into the second category are notified in writing by the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit that their applications for admission are subject to the testing of potential. The date, time and place of such testing will be clearly indicated.

The testing of potential proceeds is as follows:

  • The applicant reports on the date and at the time and place indicated in the letter.
  • The testing, as described in the admission regulations of the CUT, is administered on this occasion by the Wellness Centre.
  • The results of the test are arranged in hierarchical order as soon as possible after the test.
  • The Wellness Centre make these results available to the various faculties, after which the relevant department heads make a final selection of applicants for particular learning programmes.s
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Candidates who have successfully completed the selection process are notified in writing of their admission to the CUT by the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit, however, applicants falling into the first category will receive preference with regard to placement in learning programmes, except where the Senate determines otherwise.

The names of candidates who have completed the test with regard to potential and have not been granted admission are placed on a waiting list to be reconsidered during a subsequent evaluation opportunity. Such candidates will receive a letter from the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit informing them that their applications for admission have been unsuccessful after the final placement in the various learning programmes.

In the case of candidates applying for admission to the learning programmes: Hospitality Management, Marketing, Emergency Medical Care, Tourism Management, Dental Assistance, Language Practice and Art and Design; it is expected that, in addition to the testing of potential, the applicants will undergo one or more of the following procedures before final selection and acceptance can proceed, namely:

  • Psychometric testing/evaluation
  • Portfolio submission
  • Interview
  • Completion of a questionnaire
  • Assessment of practical skills
  • Any other process, as approved by the Senate

Upon receipt of an official letter from the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit to the effect that the candidate concerned has been granted admission to the CUT, the candidate must indicate in writing, before or on the date stipulated in the letter, whether he/she accepts the offer of admission. Failure to do so could lead to the expiry of the said offer.

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Additional procedures designed to facilitate the execution of the standard procedure may be announced by the Senate in due time

Standard administrative procedures and forms used in the event of changes to the agreement concluded with the CUT.

Upon registration as a student at the CUT, the student signs a statement in terms of section 3.2 (i) (6) of chapter 4 of the CUT calendar, declaring that he/she will immediately notify the Assistant Registrar: Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services in writing on the prescribed LS 149 form (available from the Assistant Registrar: Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services) of any change of address.

Should any change to a learning programme or subject be made, the student must supply the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit with the prescribed LS 151 form (available from the Assistant Registrar: Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services), completed in triplicate and signed by the relevant programme head, before the predetermined deadline.

In the event of the suspension of studies, the prescribed LS 150 form (available from the Assistant Registrar: Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services), signed by the head of the department concerned, must be delivered to the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit.

In the event of a change of residence or the cancellation of board and lodging, the prescribed LS 150 form, signed by the Residence Manager of the relevant residence, must be delivered to the Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services Unit. If the LS 150 form is not submitted before the deadline, no discount/refund of fees will be granted.

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Students at the regional learning centres must complete the prescribed LS 154 form (available from the Assistant Registrar: Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services) to apply for a student card and must forward this form together with a recent identity photograph to the CUT.

If a student should lose/misplace his/her student card, the student must reapply for a new card immediately by means of the prescribed LS 154 form (available from the Assistant Registrar: Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services), since positive identification is necessary for access to all facilities on all campuses.

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