Belgium Campus Recognition Of Prior Learning

Belgium Campus Recognition Of Prior Learning

The Reason Why 100% Of Our Students Are Employed Upon Graduating

A National Senior Certificate certified by Umalusi or an equivalent foreign qualification converted by the South Afri- can Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

Recognition of prior learning is available when a student wishes to enrol in the programme course for qualification.

The purpose of this recognition is to grant an exemption for components of the programme course where it is proved that the student already possesses the requisite skills and knowledge to satisfy the exit level outcomes of the programme component.

The process evaluates the appropriate learning that occurred during the applicant’s adult life through formal studies at other institutions, work experience, training courses, independent study or any other means that may be evaluated during the process.

Recognition of prior learning may also be applied when a student previously discontinued their studies or exceeded the maximum available time to complete a qualification and wish to enrol again in order to resume a programming course. Students who wish to discontinue their current programme course and enrol for the programme course of a different qualification may apply for recognition of prior learning when enrolling for the new programme course.

  • Study at Belgium Campus. The student’s results from this previous enrolment will be used in the application.
  • Study at a SAQA-listed institution. The applicant must submit the proof of enrolment, academic record and curriculum details from the other institution.
  • Study at a non-SAQA-listed institution, including a foreign institution. Applicant must submit proof of enrolment, academic record and curriculum details from the other institution, along with SAQA evaluation of these studies to indicate South African equivalent of achievement.
  • Work experience or other sources of non-accredited study. The applicant must submit portfolios of evidence containing narrative and examples proving mastery of the exit level outcomes at the required cognitive level, for each subject that exemption is applied for.
  • The applicant must supply documentary evidence of all information requested for the evaluation of the application for Recognition of Prior Learning.
  • Copies of documents supplied must be certified as true copies of the originals by a relevant authority.
  • Each subject in the programme course for which exemption is applied for, is evaluated in terms of NQF level, the number of credits, subject content and exit level outcomes. It is necessary to demonstrate mastery of the subject in terms of all these requirements in order for the exemption to be granted.
  • When the fulfilment of the requirements is not clearly demonstrated, the applicant may be invited for an interview by an evaluation panel or granted access to an examination in the subject to demonstrate that the requirements are satisfied.
  • All statutory requirements regarding recognition of prior learning, credit mobility and life-long learning must be satisfied.

If the application for any subject is successful, the student will be granted an exemption for that subject in the programme course.

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If the application is not successful, the subject will be included in the programme course being enrolled for. This may be for any of the following reasons:

  • The course content of previous studies does not cover the gamut of content for the subject in the proposed programme course.
  • The course content submitted is obsolete and replaced by new requirements in the current subject.
  • The NQF level and credits of the earlier studies do not meet the requirements.
  • Some or all of the exit level outcomes are not satisfactorily demonstrated by the previous studies or practical experience.


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Belgium Campus Recognition Of Prior Learning