Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure

Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure

Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure

Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure | See details below to apply…

Go to and click on Online application. By default, the opening page will be on step

Step One: Personal Data – Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure

The first section requires you to fill in your personal details after which when you are through, click on save and continue.

Note: The green tick is an indicator that you have successfully completed the first step. Automatically it moves on to the next step 2 when you click save & next. The last section requires you to upload files to the system. First, you need to upload a passport-sized photo of yourself and in the second part, upload a copy of your national ID or birth certificate. The third part requires you to upload copies of your academic certificates. Whenever you have uploaded a file, just click on add more and upload a file. Repeat the process until you have uploaded all certificates and then proceed by clicking on Save and next

Check Out: Kenyatta University Joining Instructions

Step Two: Kenyatta University Programme

Step two requires that you fill in the programme you intend to undertake. First choose the mode of study e.g Digital school, Regular, IBP etc before choosing the type of programme i.e. Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Masters or PhD. Do proceed to the third tab which will require you to choose the type of programme and finally the campus where it is offered. Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure.

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You can only be able to choose the type of programme after selecting the mode of study and type of programme, after which you will be able to view the campuses where the programme is offered e.g. Main, City, Nakuru e.t.c.You can then select any one campus that suits you. Also, after selecting the type of programme, the total fee p.a. and eligibility criteria will appear. You can be able to view the eligibility criteria by clicking on them. A dialogue box with the requirements will then appear. Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure

Step Three: Kenyatta University Academic Profile

This section requires you to fill in academic details from secondary education to tertiary level. In the first part, fill in the details of the Secondary School and the years attended. In cases where one attended more than one secondary school, click on the add more and fill in the details of the other school(s). Follow the same steps in filling in the details of the second section-University or college details

The last section requires you to upload files to the system. First, you need to upload a passport-sized photo of yourself and in the second part, upload a copy of your national ID or birth certificate. The third part requires
you to upload copies of your academic certificates. Whenever you have uploaded a file, just click on add more and upload a file. Repeat the process until you have uploaded all certificates and then proceed by clicking on Save and next

Step Four: Additional Data

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In this section simply tell us how you were able to know Kenyatta University by selecting any one of the given options. You can indicate how you got to know Kenyatta University by typing in the others section if the options
given above are not one of them. Once through, click save and next

Step Five: Declaration and Verification

By clicking on the small button beside I agree, you very and declare that the information you have provided is true. Proceed by simply clicking save and next. Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure

Step Six: Kenyatta University Payment

In this section, choose the mode of payment by clicking on offline payment. For offline payment, simply enter the details of the bank you deposited the fee in and in the upload receipt section, upload a scanned copy of the bank deposit slip. Proceed by clicking on the box beside I agree to accept terms and conditions. You can then finish by clicking save and next

Step Seven: Finish

You will receive such a message in this final stage. You can download a copy of the whole document by clicking
on download pdf. Finish by clicking on the finish. Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure

Kenyatta University Online Application Procedure

See Also:

1 Kenyatta University Undergraduates Digital School September Intake

2 Kenyatta University Self Sponsored May And September Intake – Undergraduate

3 Kenyatta University January and May Undergraduate Intake

4 Kenyatta University January DSVOL Intake

5 Kenyatta University September Intake For Regular Postgraduate

6 Kenyatta University September Digital School Intake for Postgraduate

For further information please contact:
The Registrar (Academic)
Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844 – 00100 Nairobi
Telephone: 020-8710901/2/3 Extension 57182
Mobile: 0731 008 894/ 0786 146 096/ 0702 025 829
Chat Platform:

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