Walter Sisulu University Students Finance

Walter Sisulu University Students Finance




1.1 Cash Payments
The University no longer accepts any cash payments at the cashier’s windows (for
security reasons). Students are, therefore, requested not to attempt to make cash

1.2 Bank Deposits and Electronic Funds Transfer

Fees should be paid directly into the University bank account below, either by cash
deposit or electronic funds transfer (EFT):
• Bank: FNB
• Account name: WSU Student Fees Account
• Account type: Current
• Account No. 52640012812
• Branch code: 210521
• Recipient ref: (Student number) – no spaces or extra characters
Students are requested to use the correct reference (student number) when
making a deposit or an EFT. Failure to use the correct reference number will result in
the University not being able to allocate the funds deposited into a student’s account
automatically. This will cause delays in financial clearance and/or registration. Students
are also advised that deposits that are not made to this account will take longer to
process. To avoid delays, students are urged to use the designated account for student
Please note that no cash should be paid to any University official. The University
will not be held liable for any loss as a result of cash paid to University officials in
contravention of this notice.
The University will no longer accept proof of payments (bank deposit slips and
ATM deposit slips) to provide financial clearance as these have been fraudulently
used in prior years. The University has made arrangements for direct deposits to the
University’s FNB account as well as EFTs from FNB to reflect on student accounts
within 15 minutes of a deposit (if the correct reference is used). However, EFTs from
banks other than FNB may take up to 2 business days to clear to the University’s bank
account. Students are, therefore, requested to make payments at least two days prior
to registration to avoid delays.
Payments by foreign students must be made in Rand and deposited into the University
Bank Account. Provision should be made for bank costs – get guidance from enquiries.
1.3 Cheque Payments
Cheques are no longer accepted as a payment method.

1.4 Credit Cards

Credit card payments (Visa or Master Card) can be done at the cashier’s window.
However, please check the credit card expiry date and produce valid identification
when making payment. Credit card payments are discouraged. Students are requested
to make direct deposits as per 1.2.
1.5 Postal Orders and Telegraphic Postal Orders
This method of payment is not accepted as a method of payment.
1.6 Letters of Authority and Bursaries
A letter of authority applies to cases where fees are paid by a sponsor. A sponsor is any
person granting a loan or bursary to a student. In the event of a sponsor not paying,
the student will be held liable for fees and any other penalties that may arise (because
the contract, after all, is between the University and the student). The University does
not involve itself in disputes between sponsor and beneficiary.
The following shall apply to letters of authority:
• The University will only accept letters of authority from approved sponsors.
For private sponsors and sponsors without MoAs with the University, the
University will require the sponsor to sign a surety/acknowledgement of
• Letters of authority for loans and bursaries should be original documents
(photocopies or faxes are not acceptable), signed by an authorised signatory.
• The letter of authority should be sent directly to the University to bursaries@ The University will not accept the letter of authority from students.
• Mere proof of application for a loan or bursary is NOT acceptable, nor
sufficient for the purposes of registration.
• Whenever possible, these letters from employers/bursars should include an
indication of what is covered by the funds, e.g. tuition, residences, books,
meals, international students levy, etc.
Students should note that where funders have not honoured prior-year commitments
to the University, the University will not allow students to register in the new year until
the prior year obligations have been settled.

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Students who have confirmed funding from NSFAS or other funders with no
outstanding debt will be financially cleared to register on the online registration system
without the need to go to the FAB (Financial Aid Bureau) or Student Fees for financial
clearance. The University will contact students who are provisionally funded and are
required to sign an acknowledgement of debt. All other students will be required to
pay MIP (Minimum Initial Payment) and/or a portion of the outstanding debt as per
the Minimum Payment Schedule to be cleared to register.
Students that qualify for financial aid should apply to NSFAS for funding by 30
November 2020. Students that do not have confirmed funding from NSFAS will be
treated as self-funded students who will be expected to pay MIP.


All students shall pay the following Administration Fees (Non-refundable) upon
registration and any other fees as determined by the University.
• SRC Fees
• Copyright Fee
• Sport and Culture Fee
• Student Insurance Fee
• Emergency Services


A tuition fee is determined per Course.


The University has two types of residences, i.e WSU-owned residences and leased
residences. WSU-owned residence fees are charged per room type, i.e single room
or double room; leased residence fees are charged at negotiated prices with the


6.1 Fees can be paid at the bank. A 5% discount is offered for the full settlement of fees
upon registration for the year.
6.2 Payment Structure

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March Initial payment – equal to 25% of Total fees
Initial payment – equal to 30% of Total fees
Presentation of letter of commitment
April 25% of remaining total debt 10% of remaining total debt
May 25% of remaining total debt 10% of remaining total debt
June 25% of remaining total debt 10% of remaining total debt 25% of fees
July 10% of remaining total debt 25% of fees
August 10% of remaining total debt 25% of fees
August Initial payment – equal to
33% of Total fees 10% of remaining total debt 25% of fees
September 33% of remaining total debt 10% of remaining total debt
October 33% of remaining total debt
TOTAL 100% 100% 100%
N.B. all fees for the 1st Semester must be paid by the end of June and the balance MUST
be settled by the end of October.
77 2021
6.3 Please note that no student will be allowed to register without payment of the Minimum
Initial Payment (MIP), except for those with proof of 100% sponsorship or NSFAS
6.4 A student who has historic debt will not be allowed to register until the minimum
payment towards outstanding debt has been paid. The MIP schedule will be published
after approval by Council.


7.1 A student shall be fully liable for all fees payable by him/her in terms of these
7.2 All fees must be paid as outlined in 6.1 and 6.2 above. Failure to do so could have the
following consequences:
7.2.1 The University reserves the right to refuse the utilisation of facilities.
7.2.2 Exclusion from lectures.
7.2.3 The University reserves the right to refuse admission to examinations, or
7.2.4 Not issuing of certificates of any description, or
7.2.5 Refusal of future registration at the University unless the outstanding balance is paid
in full, or
7.2.6 Any such other action as it is deemed appropriate.
7.3 In all the above instances, outstanding fees will still be payable.
7.4 If a student has not paid his/her fees and is admitted to write examinations, due to
an administrative error or for any other reasons, his/her examination results will be
withheld until such outstanding fees are paid.
7.5 A student will be a fully-fledged student of Walter Sisulu University once he/she
complies fully with the University requirements as stipulated in the prospectus. One of
the requirements is the settlement of fees.
7.6 The University reserves the right to hand over (without any further notice) all
outstanding fees to Debt Collectors for collection. If this happens, no student will be
allowed re-registration until all outstanding debt is paid in full.

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8.1 If a student obtains funds from other sources which are more than sufficient to cover
all fees, refunds to students may be made only at the end of the academic year and
to the extent allowed by the funder.
8.2 In cases where payment is made by the sponsor or donor a WRITTEN authorisation
from the sponsor for refund will be required.
8.3 Funds for other purposes, e.g. textbooks or living expenses, maybe withdrawn upon
the submission of request (once the funds have been credited to the fee account) and
authorised by the sponsor.
8.4 Student identity cards must always be produced at the Student Fees Accounts Section
and Cashiers’ Counters.
8.5 Students must complete a Course Amendment form (i.e. cancelling or adding courses
or changing degree/s) and submit it to the Faculty Office. Course fees will be adjusted
accordingly, as per regulations governing cancellation or changes.
8.6 No refunds will be given to NSFAS students having credit balances on their accounts.
All credit balances will be returned to NSFAS as a first repayment on the loan or as a
credit on the bursary allocation.


Walter Sisulu University Grants And Bursaries

Walter Sisulu University NSFAS

Walter Sisulu University Undergraduate Prospectus

Walter Sisulu University Undergraduate Application Guideline

Walter Sisulu University Undergraduate Online Application-New Applicants

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Walter Sisulu University WSU Online Application 2022 – 2023