UONBI School Of Business Courses

UONBI School Of Business Courses

UONBI School Of Business Courses

UONBI School Of Business Courses | See details of the University Of Nairobi Courses right here on this page…


  • Master of Business Administration (MBA): Worldwide, professionals in areas such as engineering and medicine emphasize technical expertise in their undergraduate studies, but in time upward mobility demands knowledge of general management that includes organization structures, marketing, finance, operations, human resources, information systems and other emerging areas.The MBA course complements technical knowledge with simulated managerial experiences and knowledge to make them effective managers in a dynamic organizational environment. The application process is simple. Click here for more information
  • Master of Science in Finance (MSc. Finance):The Master of Science (MSc) degree in Finance is designed to assist students enhance their managerial effectiveness within the fields of Finance, Accounting, Investments, Banking and Insurance.  The programme is practical and career-oriented, while maintaining high standards of rigour and scholarship. It provides new skills, analytical tools and perspectives, which provide a sound basis for financial management, accounting, investments, banking and insurance. Students are to be drawn from the Eastern and Central African region and beyond
  • Master of Science in Marketing (MSc. Marketing): Marketing is a highly specialized course which provides students with valuable breadth and depth of marketing science. The government, the industry and the academia have also expressed keen immense demand for marketing science empowered graduates. These factors, among others, constitute the rationale for adding Msc in marketing to the package of customer driven programmes offered by the School of Business
  • Master of Science in Human Resource Management (MSc. HR):Its designed to strengthen the ability of human resource professionals to perform this strategic role.  The degree emphasizes the application of the knowledge, competencies, and skills necessary to integrate business and human resource strategies.
  • Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovations Management:Its designed to give business managers and professionals a focused, relevant and utilizable body of knowledge in entrepreneurship and innovation management, suitable for people with an interest in starting and managing innovative ventures either within existing structures or by realizing new economic endeavours. As most corporations today realize that they need to be more innovative and entrepreneurial, the programme is positioned to prepare participants to help meet this challenge
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (PhD):Doctoral studies provide an opportunity for candidates with an outstanding academic background to engage in an advanced study in a specialized field of research.  Candidates are expected to have intellectual curiosity, self-discipline and a high level of motivation to carry out research.The programme provides for a wide variety of specializations in management.


  • Programme Description
  • Bachelor of Commerce Degree Specializations
  • Programme Objectives
  • Admission Requirements
  • Programme Duration and Mode of Study
  • Programme Structure
  • Examination Regulations

UONBI School Of Business Courses

UONBI School Of Business Courses Details

Executive Education And Consultancy