University of the Free State UFS Postgraduate Application Form

University of the Free State UFS Postgraduate Application Form

University of the Free State UFS Postgraduate Application Form -Download:


Subject to the requirements and conditions set by the department, students may be admitted to the Master’s degree in Criminology if they have an Honours degree in Criminology and if they have obtained a mark of at least 65% in the extended minidissertation for KRM691 or in an equivalent extended mini-dissertation. Admission is subject to departmental approval on the basis of high academic standards at undergraduate and honours levels and, in cases where more than two years have elapsed since the awarding of the preliminary qualification, to selection criteria determined by the department.
Candidates must apply for admission: UFS students with uninterrupted study records must apply to the head of the department; UFS students who have interrupted their studies and students from other universities must apply directly to the UFS administration (Department of Student Services).

Before you proceed to application, click on the links below for information:


University of the Free State UFS Courses Offered

University of the Free State UFS Admission Requirements

University of the Free State UFS Tuition Fees

University of the Free State UFS Prospectus

University of the Free State UFS Bursaries


Subject to the requirements and conditions set by the department, students may be admitted to the doctorate in Criminology if they have a Master’s degree in Criminology and if they have passed the Master’s degree with a mark of at least 65%.
Admission is subject to departmental approval on the basis of sustained high academic standards, a preliminary examination or any other selection criteria determined by the department.
Candidates must apply for admission : UFS students with uninterrupted study records must apply to the head of the department; UFS students who have interrupted their studies and students from other universities must apply directly to the UFS administration (Department of Student Services).

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1. Initial contact with the head of the department. The student’s study record is requested. The procedure and method for master’s / doctoral study are discussed. The student must prepare a concise written proposal on the nature and essence of the study (it should be in more detail than merely a title, but not yet a complete proposal).

2. On receipt of the study record and the written proposal, the department must consider the student’s application for master’s / doctoral study. The following criteria apply :

• The student’s motivation and attitude;
• The student’s undergraduate and postgraduate study record;
• The nature and essence of the study;
• The feasibility of the study.
At this stage a supervisor / promoter is appointed.

3. In the event of being allowed to continue with the study, the student, the head of the department and the supervisor promoter enter into a study contract with the department by signing this application form.

4. The student registers officially with the University of the Free State.

5. The student must prepare a research proposal with the aid and guidance of the supervisor / promoter, the department and other experts.

6. The student is responsible for changes to the proposal which must again be submitted to the department and supervisor / promoter for approval. In the event of the proposal being rejected, a new proposal should be prepared.

7. The research proposal for title registration must be submitted to the department of Criminology for approval. Thereafter it must be submitted to the Committee for Title Registration of the Faculty of the Humanities for approval.

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8. The student submits himself / herself to the tuition and guidance of the supervisor / promoter.

9. The supervisor / promoter must report on the progress of the student at a departmental