University of Stellenbosch Assessment and Examination

University of Stellenbosch Assessment and Examination

University of Stellenbosch Assessment and Examination

University of Stellenbosch Assessment and Examination – See Details Below:

Assessment and Examination

Assessment includes two oral examinations, written examinations, assignments, book reviews, seminars, a research project, and the production of a popular article.

For successful completion of the honours programme, you must complete the generic scientific skills module, modules on theoretical topics in biodiversity science and a research project.

You must pass each of the three components with a final mark of at least of 50%.

If you fail a theory-based module in the honours programme, you may apply to repeat this module in the following year. You may obtain a subminimum of 40% for only one of the theory-based modules, but the average of the skills modules and theory-based modules still needs to be above

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