University of Stellenbosch Application Closing Date 2023-2024

University of Stellenbosch Application Closing Date 2023-2024

University of Stellenbosch Application Closing Date 2023-2024

University of Stellenbosch Application Closing Date 2023-2024 … The University of Stellenbosch’s Closing Date has been fixed for the 2023-2024 academic year.

University of Stellenbosch Application Closing Date 2023-2024,  University of Stellenbosch Admission Closing Date 2023, University of Stellenbosch Application Closing Date 2023-2024.

Do you want to know when the University of Stellenbosch Application Closing Date is 2023-2024?

The Management of the University of Stellenbosch has officially announced the closing Date – deadline for submission of the Online Admission Application form for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Admission Closing Date

The University of Stellenbosch Application Closing date has been scheduled as follows:-


1 March: Applications open for all programmes
1 AprilApplications open for financial assistance at Stellenbosch University
1 August: Applications open for NSFAS bursaries
30 June:  Applications close for all undergraduate programmes.
30 June:  Residence applications close.
31 August: Applications close for Stellenbosch University financial assistance.
30 November: Applications close for NSFAS bursaries.
15 DecemberApplications close for Diploma in Public Accountability (Telematic Education).

For more information and inquiries, you can contact the University of Stellenbosch by visiting the institution’s official website

However, if you are unable to access the University of Stellenbosch Application Closing Date 2023-2024 or find what you needed, kindly leave a comment below and we shall provide you with the information you need as soon as possible.

Am sure this post help you with what you need about the University Application Closing Date.

READ ALSO  Netcare education application closing date 2023-2024

For more information, contact the school at:


Telephone:  +27 21 808 9111
Fax:  +27 21 808 3822

Private Bag X1
Matieland, 7602
South Africa

When and how can I contact you?

Monday to Friday (every business day)
Time: 08:00 to 16:30
Tel: +27 21 808 9111
WebChat: Click on Let’s Talk… (bottom right)