University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey

University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey

University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey – Details:


Degree Code: B66
Degree Type: BACHELOR
Degree Duration:
Degree Description: Click to View

The degree programme in Bachelor of Quantity Surveying is intended to replace the current degree course in B.A. in Building Economics which has been offered since 1967. The course B.A. in Building Economics was offered in the Department of Land Development until 1990 when the Department of Building Economics & Management became fully established.  It is important to note that the former course was training the students to enter into the Quantity Surveying profession and construction management.  The proposed revision will help to focus on the quantity surveying profession and strengthen its role in the construction industry and in the economy as a whole.

When the B.A. in Building Economics course was started in 1967, it was a generalised degree that was preparing graduates for both the quantity surveying profession and construction management.  Over the years, the two areas of knowledge have grown into two separate distinct professions. In response to this the department, in consultation with the industry, has identified the need to revise the existing B.A. in Building Economics into the Bachelor of Quantity Surveying.

It is generally accepted that curriculum review should be undertaken every three (3) to five (5) years.  The current curriculum was last reviewed in 1992 and hence the current undertaking. The review of the curriculum was carried out in consultation with various stakeholders in the construction industry and was necessitated by the need to make it more compliant with the changing trends in the construction industry and to introduce new knowledge that will enhance the graduates performance.  To this end, all the courses have been streamlined to remove overlaps and outdated materials and include new areas and also new procurement procedures, changes in the methods of measurements, changes in law and international trade in construction, professional computing packages, environmental management in construction.

Degree Courses: View


Accreditation of the Programme
Course Outline
First Year 

  First Semester (1/1)

Code       Course                                          Hrs   Exam

BCM 101                                        Physical Environment 60            1×2 Hrs

BCM 103                                         Descriptive Statistics   45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 105                                         Micro-Economics        45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 107                               Introduction to Mathematics              45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 109                                        Technical Drawing       60            1x 3Hrs

BCM 111                                          Material Science I         45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 113                                         Social Psychology        45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 115                                         Building Science I        45            1×2 Hrs

CCS001                                        Communication Skills    45            1×2 Hrs

Total                                                           435     

Second Semester  (1/2)

Semester 1/2

BCM 100                                        Building Services I       45            1x2Hrs

BCM 102                                       Inferential Statistics       45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 104                                        Macro- Economics       45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 106                                   History of Construction   45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 108                                     Building Technology I    60            1x3Hrs

BCM 110                                     Theory of Structures I    45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 112                                         Civil Engineering

Construction I                            45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 116                               Architectural Communication                         45  Course Wk

CCS 008  Elements of Philosophy            45       1×2 Hrs

CCS 010  HIV/AIDS                                 45       1×2 Hrs

Total                                                           420     


Second Year

First Semester (2/1)

BCM 201                                      Introduction to Land

Surveying                                     45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 203                                       Site Organization &

Management                               45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 205                                    Building Technology II   45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 207                                      Construction Plant &

Equipment Management           45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 209                                        Building Science II       45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 211                                    Theory of  Structures II   45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 213                                   Information Technology

Systems                                        60       1×2 Hrs

BCM 215                                  Building Design Studio 1 90  Course Wk

Total                                                           420     


Second Semester (2/2)

BCM 200                               Project Planning & Control  I              45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 202                                     Construction Materials

Management                               45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 204                                         Civil Engineering

Construction II                           45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 206                                      Introduction to Law      45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 208                                       Building Science III      45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 210                                         Measurement for

Construction Work I                  60       1×3 Hrs

BCM 212                                             Property Law            45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 214                                  Building Design Studio II 90            1×2 Hrs

Total                                                           450     


Third Year

First Semester (3/1)

BCM 301                                    Construction Marketing   45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 303                                  Principles of Management 45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 305                                        Measurements for

Construction Work II                60       1×3 Hrs

BCM 307                               Urban and Regional Planning              45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 309                                 Law of Contract and Torts 45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 311                                   Building Technology III  45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 313                                 Integrated Design Studio I                          90   Course Wk

BCM 315                                         Entrepreneurship        45            1×2 Hrs

Total                                                           420     


Second Semester (3/2)

BCM 300                                      Organization Theory     45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 302                              Project Planning & Control  II             45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 304                                            Business Law           45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 306                                   Social Responsibility and

Professional Ethics                     45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 308                                     Research Methodology    45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 310                                 Tendering and Estimating

Construction Work                    45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 312                                Intergrated Design Studio II               90            Course                                                                    Work

BCM 314                                      Construction and the

Environment                              45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 316                                   Industrial Attachment II             8wks External

  Total                                                         405     


  Fourth Year

  First Semester (4/1)

BCM 401                                     Financial Management    45            1x3Hrs

BCM 403                                   Dispute Management &

Resolution in Construction       45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 405                                 Construction Economics I                45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 407                                Construction Economics II                45            1x2Hrs

BCM 409                                         Risk Management        45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 411                                       Project Management      45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 415                                Integrated Design Studio II               90            Course                                                                    Work

  Total                                                         360     


  Second Semester (4/2)

BCM 400                                     Property Management    45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 402                                 International Construction

Practices and Procurement.         45       1×2 Hrs

BCM 404                                Construction Economics II                45            1×2 Hrs

BCM 406                                         Health and Safety

Management in Construction    45       1x2Hrs

BCM 408                              Human Resource Management

and Industrial Relations             60       1×3 Hrs

BCM 410                              Construction Implementation

Portfolio                                     180      Course                                                                  Work

Total                                                           420     

Entry Requirements
i) Candidates must have passed the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.) with a minimum grade of B+ in:- 

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Any group III
  • Any group IV

NB: refer to the table below for gruop clarification

CLUSTER FOR 2007/2008

  Abbreviation Subject Subject selection  
Examinations Regulations
          Examination Regulations 

Examination regulations for the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Development shall apply as indicated below.


Examinations are held in line with the common faculty examination regulations approved by the Senate. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey


FAD 1       Examinations are held at the end of each semester.  There are two or three semesters in one  academic year.

FAD 2       Examinations consist of Coursework, Written Papers, Research Projects and Portfolios as appropriate.

FAD 3       One course unit is equivalent to 45 contact hours or as prescribed in the Senate approved course outline.

FAD 4       A candidate is admitted for the examination after having satisfactorily attended a minimum of T! of the prescribed contact hours for the course unit and taken Continuous Assessment Tests in the prescribed course units.

FAD 5       Course units are examined during the semester in which they are taken or other times as shall be recommended by the Faculty Board and approved by Senate. Each course examination consists of a written paper of a minimum duration of 2 hours.

The Written Paper accounts for 70% of the total mark whereas Continuous Assessment Tests account for 30% as approved by the Senate.

FAD 6       Examinations for all Portfolios and Research Projects are conducted at the end of the academic year, and are treated as follows:

(a)  Portfolio Examinations for the first, second, third and fourth years of study for the Bachelor of Arts in Design degree course constitute one (1) course unit each.  University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey

(b)       All Portfolio Examinations for the first year of the Bachelor of Architecture degree course shall constitute one (1) course unit each.University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey 

(c) All Portfolio examinations in the second, third, fourth and fifth years of study for the Bachelor of Architecture degree course constitute six (6) course units.

(d) Portfolio for the sixth year Bachelor of Architecture degree course shall constitute twelve (12) course units while the Research Project constitutes six (6) course units. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey

(e)  All Portfolio Examinations for the second, third and fourth years of study for the Bachelor of Arts in Planning and Bachelor of Construction Management constitute four (4) course units.

(f)  Research Projects for the fourth year of study for the degrees of Bachelor of Quantity Surveying, Bachelor of Construction Management, and Bachelor of Arts in Land Economics and Bachelor of Arts in Planning are submitted by the last day of written examinations and constitute four (4) course units.

(g)  The Research Project for the fourth year of study for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Design is submitted by the first day of written first semester examinations and constitutes two (2) course units.

(h) A candidate who does not submit the Research Project by the prescribed date is examined at the next second University Examinations period.

FAD 7       The Pass Mark for each course unit is 40 percent.

FAD 8       To proceed to the next year of study, a candidate shall have:

(a)  Passed all course units taken for the year of study, or

(b) Obtained an aggregate minimum mark of 40 percent and have a cumulative failure in not more than four (4) course units in the current and previous years of study.

FAD 9       (a)  Examinations for all courses carried forward are taken at the next University Examinations period in which each particular course is being examined.

b)         No candidate is allowed to proceed to the final year (fourth year) of the Bachelor of Quantity Surveying, Bachelor of Construction Management, Bachelor of   Arts in Design, Bachelor of Arts in Land Economics and Bachelor of Arts in Planning degree courses unless they have passed all course units in the previous three (3) years of study.

(c)  No candidate is allowed to proceed to the final year (sixth year) of the Bachelor of Architecture degree course unless he/she has passed all course units in the previous five (5) years of study.

FAD 10     Any candidate who:

(a)  Obtains an aggregate mark of less than 40 percent in the current year of study and fails in more than four (4) course units but not more than nine (9) course units, or

(b) Fails in five (5) to nine (9) course units cumulatively, is allowed to Retake the failed course units during the next University Examinations period before proceeding to the next year of study.  In the case of cumulated course units, the Retakes will only apply to the current year of study.

FAD 11      A candidate who fails in the Portfolio and/or Research Project in the final year of study may be allowed to Resubmit (R1) the work within three (3) months from the date the examination results are released. In case of a failed resubmission (R1), the candidate may be allowed a Retake (R2) the examination at the next end of year examinations.

A candidate who fails in the Retake (R2) may be considered for a Resubmission (R3) examination.

FAD 12            (a)  A pass obtained in a Resit and or a Resubmitted examination is entered as 40 percent in the student

Fee structure
YEAR No. Units Semester I Semester I Total
I 18 Kshs       101,500.00                  72,000.00          173,500.00
II 17                 88,500.00                  72,000.00          160,500.00
III 16               120,500.00                  96,000.00          216,500.00
IV 13               132,500.00                  48,000.00          180,500.00

Foreign students to add 25% on all items.

objectives of the course
The objective of this degree programme is to provide students with sound theoretical knowledge and practical skills to enable them think analytically and conceptually in finding solutions to problems in building and civil engineering construction.  The programme is developed around a combination of subject groups such as: 

(i)      Construction Technology

(ii)     Construction Economics

(iii)    Construction Law

(iv)    Construction Management and

(v)     Construction Measurement.

The programme aims at equipping the students with specialized skills and techniques which enable them to interact with other professionals in the construction industry; to provide independent, objective, accurate and reliable capital/operating cost assessments for investment funding and project administration and control; to analyze investments and developments for the guidance of owners, financiers and contractors. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey


The course will produce graduates who help to improve the efficiency of the building construction process.  It prepares students for careers in the construction industry in the areas of building and engineering construction cost modelling, construction cost consultancy and quantity surveying, project management, and dispute resolution, among others.  Graduates will get employment in government ministries, consulting quantity surveying firms, construction companies, local authorities, parastatals, financial institutions, insurance companies, and other players in the construction industry as well as in self-employment. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Quantity Survey



Level : 1
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 101: Physical Environment 45
BQS 103: Descriptive Statistics 45
BQS 105: Introduction To Microeconomics 45
BQS 107: Introduction To Mathematics For Economists 45
BQS 109: Building Technology I 60
BQS 111: Applied Mathematics 45
BQS 113: Introduction To Law 45
BQS 115: Building Services I 45
CCS 001: Communication Skills 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 100: Building Services Ii 45
BQS 102: Inferential Statistics 45
BQS 104: Introduction To Macroeconomics 45
BQS 106: African Economic Problems 45
BQS 110: Theory Of Structures I 45
BQS 112: Law Of Contract 45
CCS 008: Philosophy 45
Level : 2
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 201: Introduction To Land Surveying 45
BQS 203: Microeconomic Theory 45
BQS 205: Building Services Iii 45
BQS 207: Building Finishes & Fixtures 45
BQS 209: Law Of Torts 45
BQS 211: Theory Of Structures Ii 45
BQS 213: Principles Of Measurement And Description Of Building Works I 60
BQS 215: Urban And Regional Planning. 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 200: Commercial Law 45
BQS 202: Physical Environment In Building Design 45
BQS 204: Macroeconomic Theory 45
BQS 206: Construction Materials 45
BQS 208: Design Of Steel And Timber Structures 45
BQS 210: Principles Of Measurement 60
BQS 212: Management I 45
BQS 214: Computing I 45
BQS 216:** Environmental Management And Conservation In Construction 45
Level : 3
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 301:** Computing Ii 45
BQS 303: Management Ii 45
BQS 305: Principles Of Measurement And Description Of Building Works Iii 60
BQS 307: Construction Economics I 45
BQS 309: Advanced Construction Technology I 45
BQS 311: Property Law 45
BQS 313: Reinforced Concrete Structural Design 45
BQS 315: ** Entrepreneurship Studies 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 300: Organizational Theory 45
BQS 302: Principles Of Measurement And Description Of Building Works Iv 60
BQS 304: Housing Economics And Investment Appraisaltechniques 45
BQS 306: Construction Project Management 45
BQS 308: Advanced Construction Technology Ii 45
BQS 310: Costing For Building And Civil Engineering Works 45
BQS 312: Civil Engineering Technology 45
BQS 314:** Research Methods And Techniques 45
Semester: 3
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 316:** Industrial Attachment 8
Level : 4
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 401:** Civil Engineering Measurements And Description Of Works 90
BQS 403: Construction Design Economics 45
BQS 405: Project Planning Techniques 45
BQS 407: Construction Maintenance 45
BQS 409: Building And Civil Engineering Law 60
BQS 411: Research Project 180
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
BQS 400: Quantity Surveying Practice And Procedure 45
BQS 402: Cost Planning And Cost Control 45
BQS 404: Construction Plant And Equipment 45
BQS 406: Standard Forms Of Construction Contracts 45

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