University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Economics

University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Economics

University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics – Details:


Degree Code: X74
Degree Type: BACHELOR
Degree Duration: 4
Degree Description:


A growing economy and demand for education in Kenya and elsewhere need the input of highly skilled economists. The government, whose economic policies shape the growth and stability of the economy, needs the input of economists. The private sector, which is an important instrument for socioeconomic transformation, also needs well trained economists. Presently, there are few centres of learning in Kenya that have the capacity for training an adequate number of economists. It is in this context that the School of Economics has designed this new syllabus to fill the gap. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics

Degree Courses: View


Admission Requirements
Applicants for the Bachelor of Economics degree must, in the first instance, satisfy the general University of Nairobi’s admission requirements. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics 


In addition, they should have obtained a minimum of grade c+ in Mathematics offered in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations, or their equivalents. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics


When the equivalents are difficult to establish, a candidate may be required to pass an entrance examination before being admitted into the programme. The pass mark for the entry examination shall be 50%.

Award of Degree
In order to qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Economics degree, a candidate must have registered for, attended lectures, sat examinations and passed in all the 54 units taken throughout his/her period of study for the degree. 


A candidate who satisfies the examiners for the award of the Bachelor of Economics degree shall be recommended for the award of the degree. He/she shall be placed in one of the following four categories according to his/her performance:


1.      First Class Honours

2.      Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

3.      Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

4.      Pass


The final classification of the degree shall be based on all the units studied and examined during the degree programme. The degree classification shall be based on a cumulative average mark for the four years of study. The classification shall follow the following key:


70% – 100%  = First Class Honours

60% – 69%    = Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

50% – 59%    = Second Class Honours ( Lower Division)

40% – 49%    = Pass

Course Structure and Duration
This is a FOUR YEAR undergraduate program. Each year is broken into TWO semesters of 15 weeks each. 


Students are expected to cover FIFTY FOUR units of study, each with 45 contact hours.


The 54 units shall include FOUR common courses. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics


ONE common course shall be covered in each semester of the first and second years of study.


During the first and second years of study, students will be required to take SIXTEEN course units each year including the TWO common courses. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics


During the third year of study, students will be expected to take a total of TWELVE course units, FOUR of which will be selected from third year electives.


During the fourth and final year of study, students will be expected to take TEN course units, FOUR of which will be selected from a menu of fourth year electives.

Course Structure and Duration
  1. This is a FOUR YEAR undergraduate program. Each year is broken into TWO semesters of 15 weeks each.
  2. Students are expected to cover FIFTY FOUR units of study, each with 45 contact hours.
  3.  The 54 units shall include FOUR common courses.
  4. ONE common course shall be covered in each semester of the first and second years of study.
  5. During the first and second years of study, students will be required to take SIXTEEN course units each year including the TWO common courses.
  6. During the third year of study, students will be expected to take a total of TWELVE course units, FOUR of which will be selected from third year electives.
  7. During the fourth and final year of study, students will be expected to take TEN course units, FOUR of which will be selected from a menu of fourth year electives. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics
Examinations Regulations
  • The common examination regulations for bachelors degrees in all colleges of the University of Nairobi will apply.
  • A candidate shall NOT be permitted to sit for an examination unless he/she has attended prescribed courses of study in accordance with university regulations. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics
  • Assessment of each candidate’s performance in each course unit shall be through Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) and a written TWO – HOUR end – of – semester examination. The end of semester examination shall account for 70% of the total marks while continuous assessment shall account for 30% of the total marks. The continuous assessment tests shall take one or more of the following forms: class assignments, written tests, or take – away tests.
  • Each course unit shall be graded out of 100 marks. The marks obtained by a candidate shall be translated into letter grades based on the following key:

70% – 100%    = A

60% – 69%      = B

50% – 59%      = C

40% – 49%      = D

Below 40%     = E

  • The pass mark for each course unit shall be 40%.
  • Provisional examination results shall be made available to students following the School Board of Examiners meeting at which those results are approved. Such provisional results shall be issued to each candidate in the form of a provisional result slip indicating letter grades obtained in each course unit examined. Further, the provisional result slip shall indicate a candidate’s average mark in the particular year of study together with the cumulative average mark.
  • Final examination results shall be issued by the Academic Registrar as soon as the results are approved by Senate. The final result slip shall also indicate a candidate’s average mark for a particular year of study together with the cumulative average mark.
  • A candidate shall be permitted to proceed to the third year of study only after passing all units of the first and second years of study.
  • A candidate who fails an examination in any of the course units at the first attempt shall take a supplementary examination in the failed unit up to a maximum of two times.
  • A supplementary examination shall earn a maximum of 40% of the total marks and coursework marks shall not be considered.
  • A candidate who, for a reasonable cause, fails to sit for a final examination at the scheduled time may, on the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by the University Senate, be allowed to sit for a special examination in the concerned course unit. A special examination shall be graded as any other examination for the first attempt.
  • A candidate who fails more than half of the total number of units studied in a particular year of study (that is, level) shall be DISCONTINUED.
Examinations Regulations
The common examination regulations for bachelors degrees in all colleges of the University of Nairobi will apply. 


A candidate shall NOT be permitted to sit for an examination unless he/she has attended prescribed courses of study in accordance with university regulations.


Assessment of each candidate’s performance in each course unit shall be through Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) and a written TWO – HOUR end – of  – semester examination. The end of semester examination shall account for 70% of the total marks while continuous assessment shall account for 30% of the total marks. The continuous assessment tests shall take one or more of the following forms: class assignments, written tests, or take – away tests.


Each course unit shall be graded out of 100 marks. The marks obtained by a candidate shall be translated into letter grades based on the following key:


70% – 100%    = A

60% – 69%      = B

50% – 59%      = C

40% – 49%      = D

Below 40%     = E

The pass mark for each course unit shall be 40%.


Provisional examination results shall be made available to students following the School Board of Examiners meeting at which those results are approved. Such provisional results shall be issued to each candidate in the form of a provisional result slip indicating letter grades obtained in each course unit examined. Further, the provisional result slip shall indicate a candidate’s average mark in the particular year of study together with the cumulative average mark.


Final examination results shall be issued by the Academic Registrar as soon as the results are approved by Senate. The final result slip shall also indicate a candidate’s average mark for a particular year of study together with the cumulative average mark.


A candidate shall be permitted to proceed to the third year of study only after passing all units of the first and second years of study.


A candidate who fails any of the units at the first attempt may be permitted to re-sit or retake the failed unit up to two times when the unit is next offered.


When resat, a failed unit shall carry a maximum of 40% of the total marks and coursework marks shall not be considered.


When retaken, a failed unit shall carry a maximum of 100% of the total marks and coursework marks shall be considered.


A candidate who fails more than half of the total number of units studied in a particular year of study shall be DISCONTINUED.

Fees (Self Sponsored Students)
5.1.2 Bachelor of Economics ( 54 units) and Bachelor of Economics and Statistics  (56 units)– X74 & X75- (foreign students to add 25% on all item )
Tuition/unit 7,500.00 7,500.00
Medical/year 5,000.00 5,000.00
Computer/year 5,000.00 5,000.00
Caution-once 5,000.00 5,000.00
Activity/year 2,000.00 2,000.00
Student Organization 1,000.00 1,000.00
Registration/sem 1,000.00 1,000.00
Examination/unit 500.00 500.00
ID Card/year 500.00 500.00


Fees Payment Mode

Payment should be made to UNES by Bankers Cheque or Direct Deposit

Account No. 03-073-1021554

Barclays Bank of Kenya

Westlands Branch.

Intermission of Studies
A student may intermit his/her studies at any time, for a valid cause and with documentary evidence conveyed in writing to the Academic Registrar through the Director of the School and may resume later duly notifying the Director of the School and the Academic Registrar. During the entire period of intermission, the student shall be required to keep his/her registration current by paying such intermission charges as the School may from time to time determine. The period of intermission shall not exceed two consecutive academic years. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics
A growing economy and demand for education in Kenya and elsewhere need the input of highly skilled economists. The government, whose economic policies shape the growth and stability of the economy, needs the input of economists. The private sector, which is an important instrument for socioeconomic transformation, also needs well trained economists. Presently, there are few centres of learning in Kenya that have the capacity for training an adequate number of economists. It is in this context that the School of Economics has designed this new syllabus to fill the gap. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics
Level Four Course Units
First semester Second Semester
Codes  Titles Contact Hours Codes Titles 


Contact Hours
Core Units Core Units 


XEQ 401 Introductory Econometrics I 45 XEQ 402 Introductory Econometrics II 45
XET 401 Public Economics 45 XET 402 Institutional Economics 45
XET 403 Introduction to Research Methods 45 XEA 402 Research Paper 45
Electives (To choose 2) Electives (To choose 2) 


XEA 401 Environmental Economics 45 XEA 404 Health Economics II 


XEA 405 Transport Economics 45 XEA 412 Economics of Water Resources 


XEA 407 Monetary Economics 45 XEA 406 Poverty and Development 45
XEA 403 Health Economics I 45 XEA 410 World Food Policy 


XEA 409 Economics of Industry 45 XEA 408 Public Finance & Fiscal Policy 45

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Level One Course Units
First semester Second Semester
Codes Titles Contact Hours Codes Titles 


Contact Hours
XET 101 Introduction to Microeconomics 45 XET 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics 


XEQ 101 Basic Mathematics 45 XEQ 102 Economic Statistics I 


XEA 101 Economic History of Kenya 45 XEQ 104 Calculus I 


XET 103 Introduction to Sociology 45 XEA 102 Introduction to Political Economy 45
XET 105 Introduction to Logic 45 XET 104 Introduction  to Ethics 


XET 107 Legal Systems and Methods 45 XEA 104 Introduction to Computers 


XET 109 Introduction to Psychology 45 XET 106 Aspects of Language  Skills 45
CCS 001 Communication Skills 45 CCS 010 HIV / AIDS 45
Level One Course Units
First semester Second Semester
Codes Titles Contact Hours Codes Titles 


Contact Hours
XET 101 Introduction to Microeconomics 45 XET 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics 


XEQ 101 Basic Mathematics 45 XEQ 102 Economic Statistics I 


XEA 101 Economic History of Kenya 45 XEQ 104 Calculus I 


XET 103 Introduction to Sociology 45 XEA 102 Introduction to Political Economy 45
XET 105 Introduction to Logic 45 XET 104 Introduction  to Ethics 


XET 107 Legal Systems and Methods 45 XEA 104 Introduction to Computers 


XET 109 Introduction to Psychology 45 XET 106 Aspects of Language  Skills 45
CCS 001 Communication Skills 45 CCS 010 HIV / AIDS 45
Level One Course Units
First semester Second Semester
Codes Titles Contact Hours Codes Titles 


Contact Hours
XET 101 Introduction to Microeconomics 45 XET 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics 


XEQ 101 Basic Mathematics 45 XEQ 102 Economic Statistics I 


XEA 101 Economic History of Kenya 45 XEQ 104 Calculus I 


XET 103 Introduction to Sociology 45 XEA 102 Introduction to Political Economy 45
XET 105 Introduction to Logic 45 XET 104 Introduction  to Ethics 


XET 107 Legal Systems and Methods 45 XEA 104 Introduction to Computers 


XET 109 Introduction to Psychology 45 XET 106 Aspects of Language  Skills 45
CCS 001 Communication Skills 45 CCS 010 HIV / AIDS 45


Level Three Course Units
First semester Second Semester
Codes Titles Contact Hours Codes Titles
Core Units: Economics Units: 


Contact hours
XEQ 301 Mathematics for Economists II 45 XET 306 Welfare Economics 45
XEA 301 Development Economics 45 XEA 302 Development Planning 45
STA 301 Probability and Statistics II 45 STA 302 Linear Modeling I 


STA 305 Probability Modeling 45 STA 304 Testing Hypotheses 



Elective Units (To choose two)



Elective Units (To choose two)


STA 221 Economic and Social Statistics 45 STA 222 Introduction to Time Series Analysis 45
STA 303 Theory of Estimation 45 STA 318 Statistical Inference 45
XET 301 Further Topics in Microeconomics 45 XET 302 Further Topics in Macroeconomics 45
XEA 307 Introduction to Labour Economics 45 XEA 310 Asset Pricing 45
XEA 311 Entrepreneurship Development and Technology 45 XEA 312 Resource Economics 45
Level Two Course Units
First semester Second Semester
Codes  Titles Contact Hours Code Titles Contact Hours
XET 201 Microeconomics 45 XET 202 Macroeconomics 


XEQ 209 Linear algebra 45 XEQ 202 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations 


XEQ 201 Calculus II 45 XEQ 204 Introduction to Numerical Methods 


XEQ 203 Mathematics for Economists I 45 XEQ 206 Introduction to Optimization 45
XEQ 205 Economic Statistics II 45 XEQ 208 Economic Statistics III 


XEA 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting 45 XEA 202 Introduction to Management Accounting 45
XEQ 207 Introduction to Real Analysis & Topology 


45 XET 204 Property Law 45
DCC 203 Natural Resource Management 45 CCS 007 Science & Technology in Development 45
Course Structure
The program aims at meeting the demand for senior economic policy analysts and managers. Students will be equipped with: 1) a firm understanding of economic principles; and 2) ability to analyze a wide range of economic problems and formulate and implement meaningful economic policies. Each student will, at the end of training be proficient in economic theory, quantitative methods and applications (including computer applications, and in economic policy analysis and management).
objectives of the course
The objective of the Bachelor of Economics programme of study is to impart knowledge and prepare undergraduates for careers in the field of Economics through a judicious mix of units that are core to the discipline and those drawn from complementary disciplines.
Semester 1 Fees
Semester totals
Sem1 2 units 35,500.00
3 units 43,500.00
4 units 51,500.00
5units 59,500.00
6 units 67,500.00
7units 75,500.00
8 units 83,500.00
Semester 2, 3, 5, 6,8,9,11,12 Fees
Semester totals
Sem2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12 1 unit 9,000.00
2 units 17,000.00
3 units 25,000.00
4 units 33,000.00
5 units 41,000.00
6 units 49,000.00
7 units 57,000.00
8 units 65,000.00
Semester 4, 7, 10, 13 Fees
Semester totals
Sem 4,7,10,13 1 unit 22,500.00
2 units 30,500.00
3 units 38,500.00
4 units 46,500.00
5 units 54,500.00
6 units 62,500.00
7 units 70,500.00
8 units 78,500.00
Transfer of Credits and Exemptions
A candidate from a recognized university, or any other equivalent institution recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate, wishing to transfer to the Bachelor of Economics degree programme, shall be allowed to transfer credits from his / her university if those credits are deemed relevant and meet the required minimum contact hours. 


A Bachelor of Economics student who obtains credits from a recognized university shall also be allowed to transfer those credits to the University of Nairobi. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics


The transferred credits shall not exceed one third of the total number of required units for the award of the Bachelor of Economics degree. University Of Nairobi UoNBI Economics


A candidate shall only be exempted from a course unit upon passing an exemption examination in the course unit. The pass mark for an exemption examination shall be 50%.


A candidate shall not be exempted in more than one third of the total number of units required for the award of the Bachelor of Economics degree.

Transfer of Credits and Exemptions
  •  A candidate from a recognized university, or any other equivalent institution recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate, wishing to transfer to the Bachelor of Economics degree program, shall be allowed to transfer credits from his / her university if those credits are deemed relevant and meet the required minimum contact hours.
  • A Bachelor of Economics student who obtains credits from a recognized university shall also be allowed to transfer those credits to the University of Nairobi.
  • The transferred credits shall not exceed one third of the total number of required units for the award of the Bachelor of Economics degree.
  •  A candidate shall only be exempted from a course unit upon passing an exemption examination in the course unit. The pass mark for an exemption examination shall be 50%.
  •  A candidate shall not be exempted in more than one third of the total number of units required for the award of the Bachelor of Economics degree.


Level : 1
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
CCS 001 Communication Skills 45
XEA101 Economic History Of Kenya 45
XET105 Introduction To Logic 45
XET103 Introduction To Sociology 45
XET107 Legal Systems And Methods 45
XEQ101 Basic Mathematics 45
XET 101 Introduction To Microeconomics 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
XEA 104 Introduction To Computers 45
XEQ 102: Economic Statistics I 45
XET 102 Introduction To Macroeconomics 45
Level : 2
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
XEQ209 Linear Algebra 45
XEQ207 Introduction To Real Analysis & Topology 45
XEQ201 Calculus Ii 45
XEA 201 Introduction To Financial Accounting 45
XEQ 203 Mathematics For Economists I 45
XEQ 205 Economist Statistics Ii 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
XEQ 202 Introduction To O Ordinary Differential Equations 45
XEA 202 Introduction To Management Accounting 45
XEQ 208 Economic Statistics Iii 45
XET 202 Macroeconomics 45
Level : 3
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
XEA 309 International Economics 45
XET 303 Economic History 45
XEQ 301 Mathematics For Economists Ii 45
XEA 301 Development Economics 45
XEA 303 Corporate Finance I 45
XEA 305 Agricultural Production & Marketing Analysis 45
XEA 307 Introduction To Labour Economics 45
XEA 311 Entrepreneurship And Technology 45
XEQ 301 Mathematics For Economists Ii 45
XET 301 Intermediate Microeconomics 45
XET 303 Economic History 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
XEA 312 Resource Economics 45
XEA 304 Corporate Finance Ii 45
XEA 306 Agricultural Development & Policy 45
XEA 308 Financial Markets & Institutions 45
XEA 310 Asset Pricing 45
XET 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics 45
XET 304 History Of Economic Thought 45
XET 306 Welfare Economics 45
Level : 4
Semester: 1
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
XET 401 Public Economics 45
XET 401 Public Economics 45
XET 403 Introduction To Research Methods Electives 45
XEA 401 Environmental Economics 45
XEA 403 Health Economics I 45
XEA 405 Transport Economics 45
XEA 407 Monetary Economics 45
XEA 409 Economics Of Industry 45
XEQ 401 Introductory Econometrics I 45
XET 403 Introduction To Research Methods 45
Semester: 2
Course Code Course Name Course Hours
XEA 402 Research Paper Electives 45
XEA 408 Public Finance & Fiscal Policy 45
XEQ 402 Introductory Econometrics Ii 45
XET 402 Institutional Economics 45
XEA 402 Economics Of Water Resources 45
XEA 410 World Food Policy 45

University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Economics

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