University of Limpopo School of Agricultural Requirements

University of Limpopo School of Agricultural Requirements

University of Limpopo School of Agricultural Requirements – See Details Below:

Undergraduate programs: Admission to undergraduate programmes is on the basis of Matriculation Certificate, National Senior Certificate or Recognition of Prior Learning Policy will be used for admission purpose.

Matriculation Certificate : For admission to the Bachelor of Science Agriculture (B.Sc. Agric.) in any of the four Departments namely Animal Production, Plant Production, Soil Science or Agricultural Economics a student must have Mathematics and Physical Science with at least symbols D (SG) and E (HG). Other subjects considered for admission are Biology , Agricultural Science, Geography, Accounting or Economics (Table 1). For admission to Bachelor of Science Environmental and Resource Studies, matriculation exemption with at least a score of 18 points is required. To be admitted a student must have at least D (HG) in Geography, E (HG) in English and E (SG) in Mathematics. Other subjects considered for admission are Physical Science, Biology , Agricultural Science, Accounting or Economics (Table 1).University of Limpopo School of Agricultural Requirements

Table 1 List of subjects and symbols as presented in the matriculation certificate

National Senior Certificate (NSC) admission points To be admitted into the B.Sc. in Agric or B.Sc. in Environmental Studies, the student should have a final minimum score of 22 points based on subjects listed and rated in the National Senior Certificate. In accordance with the rating (Tables 2 and 3), the final score will be calculated using the following criteria:

• Rating of at least three in Mathematics and Physical Science,

• Rating of at least four in two selected subjects viz. Agricultural Sciences, Geography, Life Sciences, Information Technology, Economics, Accounting, or Business Studies and

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• Rating of at least four in English and any other language.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL ): The RPL policy of the UL will be applied to admit qualifying students into the Undergraduate programmes. The final selection for admission will be based on academic merit and must be approved by the School Management Committee.

Table 2 List of Courses, National Senior Certificate Rates and Admission Point