UJ International Students Postgraduate Applicants

UJ International Students Postgraduate Applicants



Applications open on 1 April of the year preceding the year of intended study and close on 29 October  at 12:00 noon except for the following programmes:

​MEng/Mphil in Engineering Management (Coursework)
​29 October  @ 12:00
​MEd Educational Psychology
​25 June  @ 12:00
​MA Clinical Psychology and MA Counselling Psychology
​9 July  @ 12:00
​BA Hons in Industrial Psychology
​30 September  @ 12:00
​BCom Hons in Financial Planning
​30 September  @ 12:00
​BCom Hons in Human Resource Management
​30 September  @ 12:00
​BCom Hons in Industrial Psychology
​30 September  @ 12:00
​BCom Hons in Investment Management
​30 September  @ 12:00
​BCom Hons in Marketing Management
​30 September  @ 12:00
​BCom Hons Strategic Management
​30 September  @ 12:00
​BCom Hons in Property Valuation and Mngt.
​30 September  @ 12:00
​BCom Hons in Quantitative Finance
​30 September  @ 12:00
​MCom/Mphil Industrial Psychology
​30 September  @ 12:00
​PhD Industrial Psychology
30 September  @ 12:00
You may apply online at www.uj.ac.za and follow a link to study @UJ to either apply online or you may download the application form, which should either be submitted to the Student Enrolment Centre or mailed to the University. Online applicants are exempted from paying an application fee, whereas hardcopy applicants are expected to pay a non-refundable application fee of R200.

ALL INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ARE TO TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWINGSubmit a completed application form with supporting documents :

  • If you are a current student still to complete a pre-requisite qualification or your Final academic transcript if studies have been completed.
  • Valid Passport or Identity Document.
  • Sworn English Translation of documents (Documents issued in any language other than English)
  • Provide proof of a non –  refundable Application Fee of R200.00 (only hardcopy application)
  • Provide proof of the English Proficiency where English was not used as a medium of lecturing (the University prefers the applicant to take the IELTS at an overall score of 7 and TOEFL at an average score of 105–120 for Postgraduate programmes) Alternatively, you may elect to write the University of Johannesburg English Language Programme Test (UJELP).  Should you choose to write the University of Johannesburg English Language Programme Test (UJELP), Mr Malibongwe Masango will be the contact person for UJELP. Mr Masango is contactable on +27 (0) 11 559 4265 or mmasango@uj.ac.za
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Should you require on-campus accommodation, please submit a completed residence application form at the same time you apply to study at UJ

Applicants who are attending or have attended a university within or outside the Republic of South Africa must submit an academic transcript that covers the period of study to allow the assessment of the application for postgraduate studies.


Fees generally increase between 5 and 10 per cent per year. Please contact the University in November to obtain the final fees for the 2022 academic year.

Please Note: All accepted International applicants are required by the Department of Home Affairs to provide proof of available funds for the full tuition fee of the academic year and proof of Medical Aid administered in South Africa paid for a full academic year of study prior to receiving their study visa.

All privately (i.e. Self, Parent/s or Guardian) funded international students are required to pay their tuition and residence fees (on-campus residences) as follows:

  • An upfront payment of 30% of tuition and residence fees must be paid before or at registration.
  • 35% of the tuition and residence fees to be paid by 30 April.
  • 35% of the tuition and residence fees to be paid by 31 July.

The University will offer a 5% discount should the full fees be paid before or at registration.

International levy

The levies mentioned below are to be paid in line with the above-mentioned fees structural payment above together with the non-refundable International Levy, Registration fee and ICT Levy. PLEASE NOTE that the International levy expires on 31 December of each year.

  • SADC- and other African Countries – (Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Full time, Part-time) – R2 000-00
  • Other countries – R17 000.00
  • Occasional and Non-degree purposes/practical training – R8 000.00
  • Asylum Seeker/Refugees/Permanent Residence and Exchange students – NONE
  • Non-subsidised courses – R1 000.00
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International levies for the year 2022 will be published prior to registration.


Payments to the University can be made in the form of an international bank payment or electronic payment into the following account:

ACCOUNT:                    626 158 73199
BRANCH CODE:           632005
SWIFT CODE:               FIRNZAJJ
Reference Number: Student Number

International Applicants, applying by hardcopy application and making Payments at First National Bank in South Africa or making transfers from an international bank should make use of the following banking details:

ACCOUNT:                    626 158 73280
BRANCH CODE:           210554
SWIFT CODE:               FIRNZAJJ
Reference Number: Passport or Identity or Birth Certificate Number


Applicants seeking on-campus residence are required to apply for residency when submitting an academic application to the university. The residence application should be accompanied by the residence deposit as stipulated on the Residence Application Form.

Contact us – International Students only

For further information regarding international students you can visit the University Website at www.uj.ac.za  or the Division for Internationalisation Home Page at www.uj.ac.za/international

Auckland Park Kingsway Campus (APK)
Mrs Mampou Ngqumshe
Tel no: +27 11 559 4517

Doornfontein Campus (DFC)
Mr Thabang Mothebe
Tel no: +27 11 559 6510

Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus (APB)
Ms Palesa Makwela
Tel no: +27 11 559 1027

Soweto Campus (SWC)
Tel no.: +27 11 559 5014

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Division for Internationalisation
Ms Shantelle Sass
Tel no.: +27 11 559 7780

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