UCT NRF Postgraduate Scholarships for Full-time Studies

UCT NRF Postgraduate Scholarships for Full-time Studies

UCT NRF Postgraduate Scholarships for Full-time Studies – see details below to apply…

The DST and NRF are pleased to announce a call for applications for Honours/BTech, Masters and Doctoral Scholarships for Full-time Studies 2021-2022

In the process of reducing the high volume of applications received yearly, duplication of applications into different programmes and increasing the turnaround time of informing successful applicants, the NRF has consolidated all the

Masters and Doctoral scholarship programmes such as DAAD, Extension Support for Masters and Doctoral studies, Innovation, NRF Freestanding, Scarce Skill Development Fund (SSDF), The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Doctoral, The Southern African Systems Analysis Center (SASAC) and NRF – Nuffic Doctoral Scholarships in one framework document.

The Masters and Doctoral scholarships are open to South African citizens and permanent residents as well as a limited percentage of foreign nationals who will register at South African public universities in 2021-2022 on a full-time basis only. The Honours/BTech Scholarships are open only to South African citizens or permanent residents.

Scholarships are intended to support Honours/BTech, Masters and Doctoral candidates to pursue studies in all areas of Science, Engineering, Technology, Social Sciences, and Humanities, including Priority Research Areas.

Applicants must apply on the NRF Online Submission System at https://nrfsubmission.nrf.ac.za and follow the application

process set out in the attached Framework documents and Application and Funding Guides.

UCT will reject all applications submitted after UCT Internal Closing Dates. For Enquiries: Email Address – NRFFunding@uct.ac.zaVisit 
http://www.students.uct.ac.za/students/fees-funding/postgraduate-degree-funding/bursaries- scholarships/research for further information

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Please noteTo be considered for UCT Merit Scholarships via UCT Form 10A, you are required to apply for the NRF (Where eligible).