Tshwane South TVET College Prospectus 2023-2024

Tshwane South TVET College Prospectus 2023-2024

Tshwane South TVET College Prospectus 2023 – 2024

Tshwane South TVET College Prospectus 2023 – 2024 – See Details Below:

Background and Mandate

Tshwane South TVET College (TSC) is a registered public Technical and Vocational Education and Training College in terms of the Continuous Education Training Act (CET Act No.16 of 2006). TSC is a merger of three former Technical Colleges namely Atteridgeville, Centurion and Pretoria West, as Gazetted in 2001(Notice 7311, Gazette No 240 of December 2001). In 2006, TSC gained its fourth Campus (Odi Campus) from the Orbit TVET College as a result of the rezoning of the Provincial borders.

As a public institution, TSC and her counterparts’ fundamental mandate is to indiscriminately equip South Africa’s young people with vocational and occupationally directed skills at an intermediate level of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), thus contributing to

  • the eradication of inequality; poverty and unemployment of the peoples of South Africa; and
  • the economic growth initiatives of the country.
Skills development Amendment Act 26/ 2011 Ensuring the quality of occupational standards and qualifications and learning in and for the workplace Regulation of apprenticeship and Learnerships matters related to College training and skills development initiatives
Further Education and Training Amendment Act 3/2012 Provides for the governance and the funding of FET Colleges Regulates governance structures of the College Councils and its sub-committees
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108/1996 Chapter 2 section 29(1-3): Bill of Rights, advocates for the rights of citizens to access the education and training space As a public Further Education and Training (FET) institution, we are mandated to deliver on the prescripts of the constitution.
Green Paper for Post School Education and Training Provision of a vision for a single coherent, differentiated and highly articulated post-school education and training system. Responding to the weaknesses of the education system by improving relationships between institutions of learning and their regulating bodies.

National Certificate Vocational NC(V)
Office Administration
Finance Economics and Accounting
Civil Engineering and Building Construction
Engineering and Related Design
Electrical Infrastructure and Construction
Information Technology

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Atteridgeville Centurion Odi
Management Assistant
Hospitality Services
Financial Management

Contact Address:

Head Office

85 Francis Baard (formerly known as Schoeman Street)

PO Box 151, Pretoria, 0001

012 401 5000
