Torah Academy School Applications, Fees and Subjects 2023-2024

Torah Academy School Applications, Fees and Subjects 2023-2024

Torah Academy School – see details of the school’s contact information, tuition fees, list of subjects offered and application for admission…

Torah Academy is a community school founded on the teachings of Chabad philosophy. Inspired by the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s vision, our students are given the foundation for a lifelong love of Hashem, Torah, Mitzvos, the Jewish people, and Israel. While uncompromisingly committed to Torah values, we welcome every Jewish child with unconditional love.

A School for all Jewish Children

Torah Academy seeks to share the beauty of Yiddishkeit with every Jewish child. Our warm and welcoming ethos ensures that all our students feel accepted, safe, and respected, irrespective of their families’ level of observance or financial standing.

Through our emphasis on Ahavas Yisroel, they learn to love and appreciate others and live together with mutual respect for all.

Before we proceed to the numerous achievements of Torah Academy School, Below are the links For the details of the school’s contact information, tuition fees, list of subjects offered and application for admission…

Torah Academy School Fees

Torah Academy School Application Form

Torah Academy School Subjects Offered

Torah Academy School Contacts