South African Theological Seminary Undergraduate Courses

South African Theological Seminary Undergraduate Courses


The Lord called SATS to equip his servants for more effective ministry (2 Tim. 3:16–17). We develop and deliver our undergraduate programmes with the priority of forming Bible-based, Christ-centred, Spirit-led servants of God as our guiding vision and motivation. We focus on people who are committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, who love and respect the Bible as God’s Word, and who are involved in advancing his kingdom through practical ministry.

If you are such a man or woman, we offer three undergraduate programmes that will enrich your walk with Christ and enhance your service. The Higher Certificate in Christian Life and the Bachelor of Theology programmes focus on the Bible, theology, and ministry, while the Higher Certificate in Christian Counselling and the BTh (with a counselling focus) train lay and pastoral counsellors.

If you would like to discuss your undergraduate studies in more detail please contact our staff for more information about the programmes offered as well as other services that we may render.

To complete your undergraduate studies, you will need to have access to the Internet and a suitable device (e.g. computer; iPad), as you will access all your study materials and submit all your assessments online. MySats is our student learning environment.

Bachelor of Theology

Higher Certificate in Christian Life

Higher Certificate in Christian Counselling

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