South African Theological Seminary Staff

South African Theological Seminary Staff

Dr Sylvain Allaboe

Supervising TeamI’m currently Director and Professor of West African Baptist Advanced School of Theology (WABASH). My field of interest is Theology (Biblical and Systematic), Hermeneutics, Inculturation.

African Theology Ecclesiology Soteriology Eschatology

Dr Seyram Amenyedzi

Supervising Team/ LecturerBrigitte Seyram Amenyedzi (Rev) has a strong passion to help marginalized people in society especially persons with disabilities, women, and children. She obtained her PhD from Stellenbosch University.

Missiology, Intercultural Studies, Research Methodology, Disability, Women, Youth, Children, Womanism and Afrocentrism.

Dr Annang Asumang

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