Rhodes University Faculty of Law and Departments

Rhodes University Faculty of Law and Departments

Rhodes University Faculty of Law and Departments

Rhodes University Faculty of Law and Departments – See Details Below:


The Faculty’s vision is to be an academic centre that is respected nationally and internationally for its excellent teaching and research, and which seeks to play a productive role in the development of the Eastern Cape and Southern Africa.

In pursuit of its vision the Faculty’s mission is to produce high-quality graduates who are capable of becoming leaders in legal practice, commerce, industry, politics or academia. Its aim is to conduct sound teaching and research and to promote community engagement. The Faculty is committed to the values entrenched in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and aims to promote justice, inclusivity and equity in our staff and students, so enabling them to become responsible, productive and ethical members of society.

Rhodes University Faculty of Law Admission Requirements

Rhodes University Faculty of Law Contact

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