Prestige Academy Residence Fees

Prestige Academy Residence Fees

Please note
• The total residence fee comprises the accommodation cost and the minimum meal credit.
i. The eective monthly cost for a single student room would be R3 500 accommodation cost + R1 500 minimum meal credit = R5 000 per month.
ii. The eective monthly cost for a shared student room would be R2 000 accommodation cost + R1 500 minimum meal credit = R3 500 per month.
• The minimum meal credit will cover a residence student for approximately 60% of your meals for the year (breakfast and dinner).
• Students may use their meal credits to purchase items from the cafeteria and may top up their meal credits as required.
• Students may not prepare any meals in the residence rooms.
• The residence deposit and tuition fee deposit must be paid prior to the student moving into residence.
• We oer debit orders for your convenience: avoid late fees and interest by using the debit order system



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Prestige Academy Residence Fees

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