Mpumalanga University UMP Online Application 2023-2024

Mpumalanga University UMP Online Application 2023-2024

Below is a breakdown of how to apply to UMP (University of Mpumalanga). You will find instructions on the online application as well as the hardcopy application.  In a few minutes, you’ll know everything you need to know to apply to UMP. Get it, got it, go!

University of Mpumalanga application breakdown:

Note: Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible in the application cycle.
Before you begin applying online or in hardcopy, have a look at our infographic on Things to Remember Before Applying.

Apply to UMP using the hardcopy application

You can apply by filling in the hardcopy application form and posting your completed application to the desired campus you would like to study at. Or you can email a scanned copy of your completed application form to

Things to note when applying via hardcopy:

  1. The “old-fashioned” way usually takes longer, so you’ll have to be patient.
  2. Make sure you have attached all relevant supporting documentation.

Apply to UMP residence application

Note: You can apply for a residence placement when you apply for the course you are interested in. Yay, all in one go!

Application Fees for University of Mpumalanga:

South African applicants are required to pay an application fee of R150. For individuals applying from outside of South Africa, you need to pay the following application fee:

  • SADC: R150
  • Other African countries: R350
  • Countries outside Africa: R500

Submitting Results and Documents:

School learners must ensure that all examination results from Grade 11 until September of Grade 12 are submitted. Failure to do such may result in delays within the student’s application process. You might find that you applied early in Grade 12 and thus only sent in your final Grade 11 results. If this is true, as the year progresses and you receive more results keep sending them through to UMP, that way they will have all your results by the time finals come around.

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Transferring students should also ensure that all transcripts and academic records are submitted as early as possible as well as that a final transcript of current studies being undertaken reaches the Admissions Office as soon as possible after receipt.
Make sure to also submit the following:

  • Copy of your ID
  • Proof of Payment for the application fee
  • Any additional documents which may be relevant to your application.

You’re almost done! Now all that’s left to do is to wait. Keep a look out for your acceptance and/or provisional acceptance letter.
Do you have more questions? Check out UMP’s programme admission requirements here.

Before you proceed to the online application portal, click on the links below for information:

End of the online application, the outcome for the application takes up to 4 to 6 weeks after the closing date.

The application must be made on the prescribed forms and must reach the University of Mpumalanga (UMP) before the closing date. Forms are obtainable electronically from or from the following UMP Campuses and sites of delivery.


Step 1: Click on the student portal link on the UMP website home page.

Step 2: Click on the new application.

Step 3: Capture your biographical information and save it to generate your reference /student number and pin code to be used to proceed with your application.

Step 4: Put your student number/reference number.

Step 5: Click on applications to proceed with your application.

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Step 6: Click on view application rules and click on “I accept” after reading.

Step 7: Click on the “next step” to proceed to the next step.

Step 8: Load your scanned documents, i.e. Certified ID, results and proof of payment (R150). Banking details are on application rules under step no. 1.

Step 9: Click on the uploaded document.

Step 10: Select your scanned document from the source file and click on save. Close the window and click on the next step.

Step 11: Click on the grey radio button on the right of each block to select the subject.

Step 12: Click on the “next step” to proceed to the next step.

Step 13: Select the school from a grey radio button.

Step 14: Complete this form if you were enrolled in another institution, save and click next step.

Step 15: Type in the program you wish to enrol for and click the search button.

Step 17: Select period of study, e.g. First year. Type academic preference (i.e. 1 = First choice; 2 = Second choice, etc). Click on save and continue to the next step.

Step 18: Check if your biographical information was captured correctly and ensure all your documents are loaded on the certificate seen, click on save and proceed to the next step.

Step 19: Click on communication type if you want to make changes to your communication details.

Step 20: View the programs you have applied for.

Step 21: View your application status.

Step 22: View if you have gone through all the processes.

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Mbombela Campus
Cnr R40 and D725 Roads
Mbombela 1200

Siyabuswa Campus
Bheki Mfundo Drive
Siyabuswa 0472

Completed application forms should be submitted by email to:


Post/Courier to:

The Registrar
UMP Mbombela Campus
C/r R40 and D725 Roads
Mbombela, 1200


Private Bag X11283
Mbombela, 1200


Deliver by hand to:
Any campus or delivery site on the university.

Front Desk: 013 002 0800
Enquiries: 013 002 0810