Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022/2023

Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022/2023

Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions

Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022 | See details below to apply…


(To be completed in duplicate by those accepting the offer. Please return one copy and retain the second one.)
Regulations Governing the Conduct and Discipline of the Student of the University prepared in accordance with the Kenyatta University Act, 1985 are reproduced here below. Read them carefully and confirm your willingness to abide by them by signing at the end of this document (on page 6) Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022


1. Definition of student:

(a) All students who have been formally admitted to a course of study for an Undergraduate degree within the University.
(b) All occasional students who are registered students of another University but are admitted to courses of study within Kenyatta University.
(c) All postgraduate students who are registered for higher degree courses within the University.

2. Vice Chancellor’s powers

The regulations and control of students’ behaviour shall be administered by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the council.

3. Regulations

The following regulations shall apply to all students:-
(a) Motor Vehicle
A student may not keep a motor vehicle on University premises without written permission from the Registrar: such permission will not be given without proof of a current driving license, a valid read tax license and current certificate of insurance. Such permission may be refused or withdrawn without assigning any reason thereof.
(b) Responsibility of University property
A student or group of students will be held responsible for any damage to University property resulting from misuse or willful destruction of such property by that student or group of students.
(c) Academic Responsibility
Attendance of lectures, tutorials, seminars, practicals, and other scheduled courses of instruction are compulsory. The Dean of relevant School must authorize non-attendance due to illness or other good cause. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022
(d) Noise
It shall be an offence against University regulations to create unreasonable noise or behave in an unruly or rowdy manner to the disturbance or annoyance of other occupants of University premises.
(e) Loss of or damage to students’ property
The University disclaims all responsibility for losses of or damage to students’ property while on University premises.
(f) Fire Fighting Appliances
It shall be a serious offence against University regulations to interfere with, damage or remove, other than for firefighting purposes, any fire fighting appliances.
(g) Procession and Demonstration
(i) It shall be a serious offence for any student or group of students whilst within the University to convene, organize, participate in any way be involved in any demonstrations, gatherings or processions or in any unauthorized ceremonies, gatherings or demonstrations for which permission has not been obtained from the University
Government authorities. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022
(ii) It shall be a serious offence for any student or group of students to organize or participate in pickets or in any manner prevent any student or member of staff from performing their normal duties.
(h) Drunkenness
Whereas consumption of alcohol is not prohibited, drunkenness and disturbances of other students because of drunkenness will constitute a serious offence.
(i) Drug-Taking and possession of Drugs
It is a serious offence against University regulations to possess or take drugs as a student of this University.
(j) Correspondence
(i) Correspondence to the press or other mass media by members of the University their individual capacity, individual students or officials of the students’ organization and other students should bear their individual names and their private address.
(ii) No student shall make any public statement on behalf of the union or other societies on matters affecting the University without special authority from the Vice-Chancellor.
(iii) Correspondence by individual students or by officials of the students’ organizations (including students’ societies) to representatives of foreign governments or other sponsoring bodies shall be sent through the office of the Dean of Students, who will forward as appropriate.
(iv) Invitation to Government Ministries, representatives of foreign governments or other important persons to visit the University in their official capacity shall be notified to the University authorities in good time.

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(a) Academic Matters

(i) Within the Kenyatta University Act, 1985 and the statutes/Regulations made thereunder, the senate is empowered to discipline all students on all academic matters. Such discipline includes: receiving and approving recommendations from School Boards and Board Examiners with respect to who qualifies to sit University
(ii) Who repeats which year, breach of examination regulations and who is to be discontinued from approved programmes of study. The decision of the Senate is binding subject only to an appeal for review on the basis of fresh evidence.
(iii) Breach of Examination Regulations
What Constitutes an Examination Offence of Irregularity
1 Trying to copy from unauthorized material.
2 Passing verbal or written communication to other candidates in the examination room.
3 Being in possession of used or unused examination answer books outside the examination room.
4 Availing written material for use by other candidates.
5 Copying from unauthorized material carried by the candidate himself/herself.
6 Returning examination answer books with written answers after the examinations.
Involvement in any examination irregularity will automatically lead to expulsion from the University.

(b) General Offences

The senate Students’ Disciplinary Committee set up under section 14(2) (f) of the Kenyatta University Act 1985 composed of:-
(i) Vice-Chancellor (Chairman)
(ii) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
(iii) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance, Planning & Development)
(iv) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration)
(v) Two student representatives one of whom shall be the KUSA Chairman.
(vi) Two Senate Representatives.
(vii) Dean of School of the Student concerned.
(viii) Chairman of the relevant Department.
(ix) Relevant Warden.
(x) Registrar (Academic) – secretary. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022
The Committee deals with all general offences committed by students in their day today
activities within the University other than the offences the University considers as major
A student shall be given an opportunity of being heard before the student Disciplinary
The committee makes its decision. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022
Under the senate students Disciplinary Committee, the penalties for the various general offences
will vary according to the gravity of the offence. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022
The penalties will include:-
(i) Letters of warning, which will be carried in the Students’ file.
(ii) Payment for damages.
(iii) Suspension from the University for a Specific Period.
(iv) Expulsion from halls of residence.
(v) Expulsion from the University.
(vi) A combination of any two or more of the above.
(vii) Any other penalties as the committee may deem fit.

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(c) Council shall have the right to expel a student from the University without reference
to the students when a student commits any of the following:-

(i) Boycotts lectures
(ii) Maliciously or willfully damages University property
(iii) Violates regulations 3 (g)
(iv) Assaults any member of staff in the discharge of official duties.
(v) Convicted by a Court of law for any criminal offence, which the Council shall deem serious enough to warrant expulsion from the University. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022

(d) State Security Matters

The sovereignty of the state, together with the State Security machinery to safeguard the sovereignty embraces the entire republic, within which the University falls. Accordingly, notwithstanding the existing University Machinery, the state security Machinery cannot be faltered in the execution of its functions and duties. Such machinery is outside the University jurisdiction and any redress to action taken to such powers should be sought from the
Government without in any way involving the University. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022



The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to add to or/and vary regulations contained in Section 3 until the next meeting of Council, But such addition or variation shall cease to have effect unless confirmed by Council at such meeting. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022


This is to confirm that I DO ACCEPT the offer and I promise to abide by the Regulations governing the conduct and discipline of the students of the University as spelt out in the regulations above. Kenyatta University SSP Joining Instructions 2022

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