Kenyatta University Finance Department

Kenyatta University Finance Department

Kenyatta University Finance Department; Kenyatta University Finance Department – Details:


The department offers an exceptionally wide and unique range of market-driven programmes both at graduate and undergraduate levels.  These programmes are constantly reviewed to reflect the ever dynamic business environment.  By undertaking our programmes you are assured of obtaining a marketable degree that reflects the breadth and depth of the school and our global reputation.  Our student’s graduates with specialize in Accounting and Finance option.

Mission Statement: To produce Qualified Accountants and Finance professionals and practitioners committed to excellence and Integrity in the field of Accounting and Finance to meet the changing needs of society.

Vision Statement: A Bastion of Knowledge in the Region for quality and effective teaching, learning and Research in Accounting and Finance.
Identity Statement: The Department is a community of scholars committed to excellence in Accounting and Finance for sustainable Individual, National and Global Market development


The department offers services alongside the other departments in business and management.  The degrees are offered by coursework, examination and thesis or coursework, examination and project.  These courses are very popular particularly with mature students and attract very many students including foreign students.   In the first and second semesters, students are required to take core units while in the third-semester students are required to take specialized units. Kenyatta University Finance Department

The department services all the students enrolled for the degree of Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Economics and Statistics, Bachelor of Economics and Finance, and students of Industrial Chemistry with Management.
Undergraduate student enrolled in the department is well over 8,000 students at full capacity.

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• PhD (Finance)
• PhD (Accounting)
• MSc (Finance)
• MBA (Finance)

The department offers two unique study areas leading to

  • Bachelor of Commerce Accounting Option
  • Bachelor of Commerce Finance Option

In any of the two options, students will be required to take:

  • University required units
  • School required units
  • Required units for each option and
  • Electives for each option.

For a student to graduate, he/she should have taken and passed the required number of units – 14 units in year one, 12 units in year two, three and four.

The Programmes are offered through Full-time, Part-time and Distance learning.

Bachelor of Commerce is a popular degree programme with a wide variety of choices in career.

The general career choices if you have a degree in accounting are public, private, governmental/non-profit concerns or professional accounting firms.

A career in finance is not all about money but close to it. Some of the common career paths one can pursue in the financial services industry include.

  • Corporate finance/financial management
  • Money and capital markets
  • Investments
  • Training and Consultancy.

The Department encourages students to enhance their careers by undertaking training with professional bodies such as CPA, ACCA and CFA. Those with such qualifications are allowed credit waivers up to six units on admission.

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