How To Check Your Matric Results Online 2023/2024

How To Check Your Matric Results Online 2023/2024

University education opens so many doors for a better life. As such, it is the hope and desire of many young people to get a university education, so as to better their lives, fulfil their potential, and make an impact on the development of humanity.  Recently, there have been many changes to life in society as we know it, and the education sector in South Africa has not been left out. This year’s calendar is a bit different from the previous years.

Of course, everybody cannot be admitted into universities just because they express the desire to study. Therefore, the Matric exams are there to help select deserving students for appropriate places in the school system.

In previous years, scores have been announced almost immediately after the New Year celebrations, but the school year has changed dramatically since the year 2020 due to the pandemic which has disrupted the school system. Even after taking the Matric Exams, many still do not know how to go about obtaining their results. The process is simple and straightforward; find it below.

How To Check Your Matric Results Online 2023/2024

During this computer age, checking your matric results online has become the most popular way of finding out matric results. If you have a computer or tablet at home, with a good internet connection, then it is as good as done. Alternatively, you can visit an internet café, and just tell the attendant that you wish to check your matric results. The steps are listed below:

Step 1: Visit the official checking page:

Step 2: Login. This is done by inputting your Exam Number and your Birth Date

Step 3: Click on the button that says “submit.”

Step 4: Your results will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Print it out.

Of course, there are other ways that you can check your matric results, we explore them below.

How To Check Your Matric Results Mobile Device, Newspapers, News Site, Department Of Education

The following are the avenues through which you can obtain your Matric Results for the year

  • The Department of Education
  • Online
  • Your Mobile Device
  • Newspapers and News Sites

How To Get Your Matric Results Through the Department Of Education

Department of Education

You can request your Matric Results directly at the Department of Education offices scattered in the various regions of South Africa. Find the regional offices in South Africa below and their offices. Please keep in mind that you may meet a crowd at the regional offices. Please ensure that you wear a face mask.

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Physical Address: 6 Hollard Building, 17 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg

Tel: 011 355 0000

Eastern Cape

Physical Address: Steve Vukile Tshwete Education Complex, Zone 6, Zwelitsha

Tel: 040 608 4200

Western Cape

Physical Address: Grand Central Towers, Cnr Darling, and Lower Plein Streets, Cape Town

Tel: 021 467 2000


Physical Address: Building No. 5, Government Boulevard, Riverside Park, Nelspruit

Tel: 013 766 5000

North West 

Physical Address: 2nd Floor Executive Block, Garona Building, Mmabatho

Tel: 018 388 2562/2564

Free State

Physical Address: 55 Elizabeth Street, FS Provincial Government Building, Bloemfontein

Tel: 051 404 8000

Northern Cape 

Physical Address: IK Nkoane Education House, 156 Barkly Road, Homestead, Kimberley

Tel: 053 839 6500


Physical Address: Corner 113 Biccard & 24 Excelsior Street, Polokwane

Tel: 015 290 7611

KwaZulu Natal

Physical Address: 247 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg

Tel: 033 846 5000

Rather than travelling to the regional offices of the Education Department, it may be a cheaper, and more convenient option to just check your matric results on your mobile phone, right from the comfort of your home. You can do this via SMS, and via USSD.

How To Get Your Matric Result Via SMS 

Checking your matric number through SMS is simple. You just have to follow the following steps:

Step 1: Start a new SMS message on your phone

Step 2: Put in your Exam Number as the body of the message

Step 3: Send the SMS message to 45856 as the receiver number

Step 4: Note that the SMS will cost you R3.00 (the charges apply even if you have Free SMS)

Step 5: The exam number will be automatically confirmed– if you send an incorrect exam number it won’t work

Step 6: You will get your results immediately, they are available.

How To Check Your Matric Result Through USSD

USSD is another quick and easy way for you to get your matric results. This is also very convenient, as it doesn’t require any travel. It is almost instant, so if you do not want to go online or use an SMS, this might be the best way to go.

To Use the USSD Code:

Dial the following number on your phone: *120*35658# and then press send.

A few prompts will be sent to your screen. Just follow them.

Then just enter your ID and examination number.

Then press send. Your Matric Results will be automatically sent to you.

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It has been the tradition of the Department of Education to publish the matric results in the newspapers just after release. Checking the newspapers is still a popular means of checking the Matric Results. You too can find out your final matriculation result in the Newspapers.

When you do find the results as released, you will find next to your examination number, a BD or a D. BD. A BD means that you have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree pass, and a D.BD means that you have obtained a diploma pass.

Depending on the province you live in, there are different newspapers through which you can check the results.

You can get Your Matric Results from your School or Exam Centre

Your full Statement of Results will be available at your school or exam centre, and will probably be on the notice board from 23 February 2021. We anticipate that there will be a lot of excitement surrounding the release, and as such there may be crowds of students trying to check their matric results. Therefore, please take the following precautions:

Social distancing: keep your distance from others.

Wear a mask! (wear a mask to protect yourself)

Follow covid safety rules at your school (always use the wash-hand basins put up by your school in strategic places.)

Understanding Your Results

It is one thing to see your matric results, and another thing to accurately interpret them. In order to take the necessary next steps after the release of your results, you have to understand what the results mean. Here are useful hints below:

Your Pass Level

The word ‘fail’ is rarely used. This is because everybody passes in some way or level. Your pass level says how well you did in the exams, and so determines what your next move will be. These are the various pass levels you can obtain in the matric exams.

  • NCS Pass
  • Higher Certificate Pass
  • Diploma Pass
  • Bachelor Degree Pass


Bachelor Degree Pass

A bachelor’s degree pass enables you to gain entry into a South African University. This is the most sought-after rating, most students are looking to attain this level so as to go study anything from engineering to law. To get a Bachelor’s Degree Pass you need the following:

  • An APS score of 3 in your home language
  • An APS score of 4 in at least 4 high-credit subjects
  • An APS score of 2 in any 2 other subjects
  • A total APS score of 23

Diploma Pass

A Diploma Pass enables you to gain entry into school to study for a Diploma. You may then seek admission into any South African institution offering diploma courses.

  • An APS score of at least 3 in your home language
  • An APS score of 2 in any other 2 subjects
  • An APS score of at least 3 in 4 high-credit subjects
  • A total APS score of 19
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Higher Certificate Pass

A higher certificate pass helps you gain entry into an institution to study for a higher certificate. Keep in mind that a higher certificate will help you gain admission to a degree program, so even if you have a Higher Certificate Pass, please do not lose hope, or consider this a failure. To get a Higher Certificate Pass you need the following:

  • An APS score of at least 3 in your home language
  • An APS score of 2 in 3 other subjects
  • An APS score of at least 3 in 2 other subjects
  • A total APS score of 15

NSC Pass

An NSC Pass helps you gain entry into an institution to study for a Higher School Certificate. To get an NSC pass, you need:

  • An APS score of at least 3 in your home language
  • An APS score of 2 in 4 other subjects
  • An APS score of at least 3 in 2 other subjects
  • A total APS score of 14



As we mentioned above, there is hardly a result that can be described as a failure; even if you obtain a Higher Certificate Pass, you can still make progress in your academic career. the South African academic system is so designed that you can first study for a Higher Certificate, and then use that as a Bridging Course to study any course of your choice. We wish you luck!