How to Apply for NSFAS Private Accommodation at UFS

How to Apply for NSFAS Private Accommodation at UFS

How to Apply for NSFAS Private Accommodation at UFS

How to Apply for NSFAS Private Accommodation at UFS

How to Apply for NSFAS Private Accommodation at UFS – Check below:


STEP 2: CLICK ON THE “NSFAS Private Accom Appl” TILE

STEP 3: Carefully read the information in the “Instruction” block.

STEP 4: Click on “New Application”

STEP 5: Carefully read the information in the “Instruction” block.

STEP 6: Please indicate/select if you are staying in Accredited Accommodation or in Private Accommodation.

Option 1: Accredited Accommodation If you are staying in Accredited Accommodation please click on the magnifying glass and select the accredited landlord with whom you are staying.

Option 2: Private Accommodation Complete the following fields. These fields are compulsory:

STEP 8: Capture the “Move in date”, “Move out date” and “Monthly Amount” according to the information that reflects on your

STEP 9: Capture your “Parent/Guardian Living Address”. This should correspond with the supporting document that you will
upload with the application.

STEP 10: Please indicate if you give UFS consent to share personal information to your parent/guardian, funders/bursars/donors and service provider (lessor).

STEP 11: Upload your contract with your landlord and proof of home address. This is compulsory. Click on “Add Attachment”.

You can choose a file from “My Device” by clicking on the picture:

Select your saved document and click on “Upload”

STEP 12: Click on “SAVE”

You can track your private accommodation status on your Self-Service:

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You will also receive an email on your ufs4life email address once your status changes.