Hoërskool PJ Olivier Application, Fees and Contacts

Hoërskool PJ Olivier Application, Fees and Contacts

Hoërskool PJ Olivier Fees, Application – See details of the school’s Fee structure, Application forms and list of courses offered…

For information regarding Hoërskool PJ Olivier Fees, Application and courses offered, contact the institution using the details below:

Hoërskool PJ Olivier School Address

Hoërskool P.J.Olivier is a public school, located in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province. For more information please see the school contacts below.

School Contacts

School Name: Hoërskool P.J.Olivier
Emis Number: 200100612
Province Name: Eastern Cape
School Sector: Public
School Type: Ordinary School
School Phase: 
Secondary School
School Specialization: Ordinary School
School Owner: State
Paypoint No:  94188
Component No: 94188
Exam No: 4211006
Longitude: 26.52512
Latitude: 33.31699
Magisterial District: Albany
District Municipality Name: Cacadu District Municipality
Local Municipality Name: Makana
Ward ID: 21004008
EI District:  Grahamstown
EI Circuit: 01
Township/Village: Hlalani
Suburb: Hlalani Village
Town/City: Grahamstown
Street Address: Upper Robinson Street, Hlalani, Hlalani Village, Grahamstown,6140
Postal Address: P.O.Box 273,Grahamstown,6140
Telephone: 0739560948
Facsimile: 466223474
Cell Phone: 0845671957
Email: admin@hspjolivier.co.za

Hoërskool P.J. Olivier

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