Henley Business School Study Loans

Henley Business School Study Loans

Financing your studies

In our effort to make financing your studies as simple as possible, we will be providing a ‘one-click environment for you in due course to apply for a study loan directly to your bank. In the meantime, we invite you to contact Brian Ngesman in our Finance Department for advice or guidance regarding your payment plan. 

Contact information:

Brian Ngesman

Standard Bank Study Loans

If you are a Standard Bank client, we invite you to call or email Kreeson Nadar to discuss your study loan needs. Standard Bank guarantees the rates will be less than the normal student loan rate. There is also the option of a payment plan up to 60 months (5 years), with the choice of either a Straightforward Payment Plan or a Revolving Credit Plan. Further, if you open your account with Standard Bank, there is a possibility of being offered Prime.

Contact information:

Kreeson Nadar
071 354 6015

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