Hebron Theological College-Statement Of Faith

Hebron Theological College-Statement Of Faith



In summary, we believe:

1. That there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

2. In the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; that Jesus existed eternally with the Father, became man by the miracle of the incarnation, in no degree ceasing to be God. He is co-Creator of the world and man, the only Saviour and coming Judge.

3. In the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His ascension and present ministry as High Priest and Advocate and in His personal return.

4. That the whole canon of Scripture (both Old and New Testaments) as originally given, is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, of supreme and final authority in all it teaches and declares.

5. That all men are sinful and lost apart from faith in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that sin is cleansed only through personal repentance and faith in the atoning blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

6. That the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, are available in the Church today for the edifying and perfecting of its members.

7. That Christ is the head of the Church, which is His Body, and consists of those who have been born again.

8. That Christians, as disciples of Jesus Christ, are obligated to pursue peace, the humility of mind and holiness.

9. That upon His return, Christ’s reign will be established upon the earth.

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10. That everyone will be resurrected and give an account to God.

11. That judgement is eternal for all who have refused pardon and forgiveness by Christ.

12. That God shall reign forever over the new heavens and the new earth, the ultimate home of the righteous.


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Hebron Theological College-Statement Of Faith