Egerton University Ultra Modern Library

Egerton University Ultra Modern Library

Egerton University Ultra Modern Library | Egerton University Library



The Library’s vision is to become an excellent centre for academic and research activities of the Egerton University Community, by providing a conducive environment for reading and learning.


Its mission is to support the teaching, learning and research needs of the University community by providing access to relevant information resources, disseminating research information and giving user-centred services


The Library supports the University’s mandate to foster innovative research and teaching by selecting, organizing, disseminating, providing user education and preserving information resources in both print and electronic formats. The Library develops and maintains quality information services by seeking feedback from the users.


Information resources are processed and organized using internationally accepted standards like the Library of Congress Classification Scheme and the Anglo American Cataloguing Rules which enhances easy access to the materials as well as resource sharing with other libraries. Through collaborations with other University Libraries and Library & Information Consortium, the library is able to share resources and subscribe to information resources at subsidized rates. The library has a rich collection of thousands of volumes of the latest editions in various disciplines. It has 24 hours Internet connectivity through which electronic resources are accessed through the IP address for those within Campus and passwords for remotely located users. Using the AMLIB Library Management System, the Library has automated all its operations making information service more effective and efficient.  Using a 3M electronic Library Security System the library is able to safeguard against theft of library materials. Egerton University Ultra Modern Library


The Library System currently comprises the following Libraries;

  1. i)The Main Library, established in 1939, is  located in Main Campus, Njoro;
  2. ii)The Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS) Library established in 1994, is located in the FASS Complex in Njoro;

iii) The J.D. Rockefeller Library, established in 2000, is  located at the Utafiti building, in Njoro;

  1. iv)The Nakuru Town Campus College Library, established in 2001, is  located next to Bawanibuilding, along George Morara avenue in Nakuru Town;
  2. v)The Nakuru Town Centre Library, established in 2011, is  located at Kekonga Building, Town Centre;
  3. vi)The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Library, established in 2007, is  located opposite the Nakuru Provincial General Hospital;

vii) The Nairobi City Campus Library, established in 2011, is located at the Stan bank house in Nairobi;

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viii) The Faculty of Education and Community Studies  (FEDCOS) Library,  established in 2012 is  located at the FEDCOS Complex at Njoro;

  1. ix)The Records Management and Archives Centre (RMAC), established in 2012, is located at Njoro in the FEDCOS Complex, Njoro. RMAC is guided by the Egerton University
  2. x)Baringo Campus Library was established in 2014, located in Kabarnet Town.



  1. a) Library Policy (2014)
  2. b) Records Management and Archives Policy (2014)
  3. c) Information Literacy Policy (2014)
  4. d) Institutional Repository Policy (2014)
  5. e) Strategic Plan (2014)
  6. f)  RMAC has initiated the following Records Retention and Disposal Schedules;
    Human Resources Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.
    •    Accounting and Finance Records Retention and Disposal Schedule
    •    Academic Affairs Records Retention and Disposal Schedule
    •    Procurement and Stores Records Retention and Disposal Schedule
    •    General Records Retention and Disposal Schedule



These rules and regulations have the force of Egerton University statutes for efficient delivery of services and disciplinary purposes. All patrons are strongly advised to learn, know and adhere to them.
Silence shall be strictly observed in the library. Mobile phones must be switched off while in the library otherwise, these are subject to confiscation on default.
Wearing caps, overcoats/rolls, heavy jackets and similar wear is not allowed.  Bags should be left on the shelf at the entrance. The library accepts no liability for loss of personal property left at the entrance.
All readers must show on exit all items they are taking out of the library. The security staff reserves the right to inspect books and check bags leaving the library.
Marking or defacing books and periodicals is forbidden. Razors and penknives are not allowed in the library.
Readers are advised not to return books on the shelves but leave them on the reading carrels or tables.
Materials not properly borrowed from other libraries will be confiscated and returned to their institutions of origin with particulars of the user found with them for necessary action by the offending institutions.
Smoking, spitting, eating, hawking, sleeping, drinking and littering are strictly prohibited in the library. Defaulters under conduct rules will be charged a minimum fine of Kshs. 200/= in addition to suspension or termination of membership.
Library users are free to report any complaints concerning library services to the Librarian.

See Also:
 Egerton University History
Egerton University Student Portal 



Monday to Saturday

Issue Desk 8.00 a.m-10.00 p.m
Africana 9.00 a.m – 4.45 p.m
Reference 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m
Resource Centre 8.00 a.m – 10.00 p.m
Sunday & Public Holidays 


1. FASS Library

Monday to Saturday

Sunday & Public Holiday




8.00 a.m – 10.00 p.m


2. J.D. Rockefeller
Monday to Friday 


Sunday & Public   Holidays


8.00 a.m – 6.00 p.m



3. FEDCOS Library 

Monday to Saturday

Sunday & Public Holidays


8.00 a.m – 10.00 pm


4. Nakuru Town Campus Library
Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m – 8.00 p.m
Saturday 8.00 a.m  – 5.00 p.m
Sunday & Public Holiday Closed
5. Nakuru Town Campus   Centre Library 

Monday to Friday



8.00 a.m – 9.00 p.m

Saturday 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m
Sunday & Public Holidays Closed
6. Faculty of Health Sciences(FHS) Library
Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m  -9.00 p.m
Saturday 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m
Sunday & Public Holidays Closed
7. Nairobi City Campus Library 

Monday to Friday


Sundays & Public Holidays



8.00 a.m – 9.00 p.m 

8.00 a.m – 5.00pm


Egerton University Contacts

Egerton University Njoro Campus

Email Address: 
Tel: 254-051-2217891/2 254-051-2217781 
Address: P.O Box 536 Egerton 20115 Kenya 

Egerton University Nakuru Town campus

Email Address: 
Tel: 254-051-2217891/2 254-051-2217781 
Address: P.O Box 536 Egerton 20115 Kenya 
Located at Stanbank House, Moi Avenue (Opposite Hilton Hotel).
Tel: 0736309390, 0704309390

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