Does Moi University Offer Nursing

Does Moi University Offer Nursing

Does Moi University Offer Nursing – Details:

School of Nursing


The School of Nursing was launched in August 2011 under the auspices of the College of Health Sciences. The school started as a department of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences in 1998 with 20 students in BSc. Nursing. Master of Science in Nursing (MSc. N) in Maternal and Neonatal Health was introduced in September 2006 and has graduated 10 students to date. This is the second postgraduate nursing (MSc.N) in Kenya.

It values excellence and innovation in preserving and advancing the art and science of nursing in the scholarly domains of nursing education, practice and research. The values would be pursued through personal interactions and the integration of technology, while embracing cultural and academic diversity. Education for nursing should be value-focused, providing guidance for future practice, yet reality based to prepare practitioners for the current health care practices. Nursing education equips the student with cognitive, affective and psychomotor competencies integral to professional nursing practice.


The School of Nursing comprises the following three (3) Departments:

  • 1 Department of Community Health, Nursing Administration, Education and Research.
  • 2 Department of Midwifery and Gender
  • 3 Department of Child, Adult and Mental Nursing

The Dean, School of Nursing
Moi University
P.O Box 4606 030100
Telephone 254 53 2061562, 254 53 2060958/9
Fax 254 53 2033041

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