Details on Northlink TVET College Application 2023–2024

Details on Northlink TVET College Application 2023–2024

Steps to apply: – Northlink TVET College

Step 1: Select your Course

Select your course. Click here for the complete list of courses available. Part-time studies also available Students wanting to study on a part-time basis can download the Part-Time Brochure

Step 2: Course Fees and Payment Policy

Once you have selected a course, Click here to view class fees and to read the Payment Policy.

Step 3: Complete the Application Form

ONLINE application – Click Here to complete the application form and upload a certified copy of your ID and latest results. * Preferred option
OFFLINE application – Click Here to download the application form and fax/email to us.
Your completed Application Form, along with your ID Document and Certificates, can be sent to the College either via Fax, E-Mail, Post or hand delivery.

  • To Fax your application form, send it to 0860 2 STUDY (78839)
  • To e-mail, your application form, send it to
  • To post your application form, post it to:
    Private Bag X1


Step 4: Waiting for a response

Once you have submitted your application form, please allow sufficient time for the application to be verified and sent to the relevant Programme Manager before inquiring about the status of your application.
Your application will be acknowledged via SMS & e-mail.

Please note that you can view the status of your application at any given time by just logging into our website.
Contact us – Northlink TVET College
Information relating to the college can be obtained by contacting our Customer Information Services Department.

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Physical Address: 80 Voortrekker Road
Postal Address: Private Bag X1
Call Centre: SA: 08600 NLINK (65465)
Int: + 27 21 970 9000
Fax: SA: 0860 2 STUDY (78839)
Int: +27 (021) 970-9063
SMS: SMS LINK and your message to 43122 and we will contact you.