Cranefield College Fees 2023-2024

Cranefield College Fees 2023-2024


4.1 Academic Programmes

Fees include all e-books and other online materials. Students’ employers and education trusts provide financial support. Arrangements for alternative payment schedules must be made in advance with Ms Rouvé Potgieter telephonically during office hours at +27 (0) 12 807 3990, or by email at

Students who are personally liable for course fees must pay the full amount for the module in question prior to the first lecture day, and fax proof of payment to +27 (0)12 807 5559 or email such proof to
In light of the inevitable pressure that the harmful economic effects of COVID-19 have placed on our students and their employers, there will be no fee increases in 2021.

The basic fee structure for academic programmes accordingly remains as follows:
• The registration fee for the AdvCert(PM), AdvDip(PM), BBA, or PGDip(PM)
programme is R3,750.00 (non-refundable).

• The fee per forty-credit module for the AdvCert(PM), AdvDip(PM), BBA, or PGDip(PM) programme is R19,200.00. The fee for the fifteen-credit module M7 (Advanced Business English) is R8,750.00.

• The fees for the MCom(PM) programme are as follows: Registration fee of R6,700.00 (non-refundable) plus R110,300.00 for the full programme, regardless of how the student elects to structure his or her individual programme in terms of the options as detailed under above. The total fee accordingly remains R117,000.00.

• PhD fees depend on where the student is based. Please get in touch with Cranefield’s Financial Manager, Ms Rouvé Potgieter at

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• The cancellation fee prior to receiving access to study material on any academic programme is the full registration fee. After receiving access to materials, no refunds are possible on any academic programme or short course.

• Module/course repeat fee: Half of the current full fee for that module/course. For further information on fees, including fees for supplementary examinations, please see sections 2.4 and 2.7 above (in the Rules, Regulations and Code of Conduct).
4.2 Financial Support


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