Central University Of Technology Vision And Mission

Central University Of Technology Vision And Mission

Brief introduction to CUT’s Vision 2030

The mandate of a University of Technology in South Africa is essentially to create skillful and responsible citizens.

The National Development Plan 2030 (NDP) notes that Higher Education is “the major driver of information and knowledge systems that contribute to economic development”. But it is “also important for good citizenship and for enriching and diversifying people’s lives” (NPC 2012:317).

The White Paper for Post-School Education and Training states that all universities are expected to have a clearly defined mandate within the system; to offer high-quality undergraduate education; to engage in “some level and type of research”; to address the imperatives of equity and social justice; and to interface with TVET and other vocational colleges, SETAs, employers, labour and other stakeholders (DHET 2013:30).

At a CUT planning Lekgotla in March 2020, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Henk de Jager, reminded the meeting of the following purposes of a University:

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