Central University Of Technology International students Online Application

Central University Of Technology International students Online Application

The student support office is mandated to provide support to international students and serves as the first port of call within the Center for Global Engagement (CGE). The office provides a range of services starting from the management of the pre-registration/registration processes and legal compliance. General support of international students is vital to our daily business, as we also provide support in terms of application processes, management of queries, and issuing relevant letters in support of student studies. The following officer is responsible for the management of student support.

Building global friendships and networks (Buddy programme)

Imagine travelling to a new country, without any friends or family, where people have a different culture than your own, and different customs and practices. All these factors tend to cause countless anxiety. The CUT Buddy Programme is designed to help international students settle easily into, their new host university, and adapt to campus life and local communities.

How to apply

Admissions to all international applications are subjected to each faculty qualification, requirements. All admitted international students are subjected to compliance requirements as stipulated in the university’s admissions process.

Undergraduate degree-seeking applicants

To study at CUT international applicants are required to have achieved the equivalent of a South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a degree endorsement. All international applicants with high school results or qualifications achieved outside of the Republic of South Africa require a certificate of exemption from the Matriculation Board of South Africa (USAF) for admission into undergraduate studies. No O-level qualifications will be accepted for studies at CUT. To process a certificate of exemption, visit the Matriculation Board. Contact details of the Matriculation Board are as follows:

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1st Floor, Block E, Hadefields Office Par

1267 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, Pretoria

Tel: +27 (0)10 5914401/2

Fax no: +27 (0)86 680 5727

E-mail: fax@usaf.ac.za

Postgraduate degree-seeking applicants

All international applicants with foreign college/university school qualifications attained outside of the Republic of South Africa are required to evaluate their foreign qualifications with the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) for admission into studies at CUT. To evaluate your foreign qualifications, visit the SAQA website. Contact details of South African Qualification are as follows:

Helpdesk: +27 (0)860 111 673

Switchboard: +27 (0)12 431 5000

Fax: +27 (0)12 431 5147

General Enquiries: saqainfo@saqa.org.za

NQF-related Enquiries: help@nqf.org.za

Once you have all the information, complete the CUT online application using the following links:

For students who apply with an old student numberlogin here with default pin 21202.

Tip: You can also use the above link for updates on your personal information if you are a registered student and all related student self-services.

For new applicants, go to Online applications

On-campus Accommodation

On-campus accommodation is available on campus on a first-come, first-serve basis. For accommodation in CUT residences, please contact the residence life administrator:

Ms Ronel Gilpin rgilpin@cut.ac.za, +27 (0)51 507 3158, during office hours CAT, 08:00-16:30.


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