Apply To SAWC

Apply To SAWC

Details about how to apply

The College offers a variety of courses including its Higher Education and Training Programmes, Occupational Qualifications, Short Courses and other vocational training programmes.

All of our students on the Higher Education and Training (HET) Advanced Certificate programme and the National Certificate in Natural Resource Management: Terrestrial, come to us via organisations where they are already employed.  These two courses are limited to just 50 students per year and regrettably do not cater for independent applicants. We do require a letter of endorsement from these respective organisations to accompany any applications for the HET courses.

Our Youth Access Bridging Course is also conducted in collaboration with affiliated organisations and with the local community. We receive students (school leavers) directly through these channels and as part of a call for applications.

Those interested in our Occupational Qualifications and Short Courses are welcome to apply independently.

ALL applicants are required to complete the relevant course application form and submit this along with any accompanying documentation stipulated for that course.

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