Apply Online TUT 2023-2024

Apply Online TUT 2023-2024

Apply Online TUT 2023-2024

The Tshwane University of Technology Online Application for 2023 is open and will be closing on 30th September 2021. Therefore, all those who want to apply to study through TUT University must apply for admission to the 2023 academic year.

How To Apply to Tshwane University of Technology for the 2023/2024 Academic year

To apply to TUT for 2023, follow the steps below:

Please ensure that you meet the admission requirements before applying.

  • It is best to complete your own application. The Tshwane University of Technology does not make use of representatives, agents or agencies during your application process. If you choose to make use of representatives, agents or agencies, you do so at your own cost and risk.
  • The closing dates are non-negotiable. It is your responsibility to ensure you apply before the applicable deadline!
  • It is important to know that you provide the correct personal email and postal address to enable the Tshwane University of Technology to communicate with you directly.

DeadlineCheck the list of opening and closing dates supplied below by the school to make sure that you submit your application on time. Applications are open from June  to September 30 each year (Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted – please apply during the application cycle before the closing date to ensure your application is considered.)

Application Fee: Applicants need to pay a non-refundable application fee of R240

TUT Admission Requirements: Apply Online TUT 2023-2024

Minimum general admission requirements for study at TUT 2023

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Nobody will be allowed to register as a student in a TUT program unless he or she has completed the following requirements.

General admission requirements for TUT:

  • At the Senior Certificate rank, a pass mark in English is required (minimum additional language; certain programmes may require first or home language status)
  • Each course has its own set of admissions criteria.
  • Admission standards for specific programs will vary from year to year, so prospective students can keep this in mind.
  • Students will be asked to take an entrance exam into certain programs, which will decide if they will be accepted to the class or whether they will be advised to enrol in a similar foundation course.
  • The table below shows the minimum qualifications for admission to different stages of study:

TUT Requirements NSC – Gaps your profile: Apply Online TUT 2023-2024

Results format for the new NSC-G and the minimum admission requirements for TUT:

Rating code​                                                                        Rating Marks
1                     Outstanding achievement                               80 – 100
2                     Meritorious achievements 70 – 79
3                     Degree substantial achievement                      60 – 69
4                     Diploma adequate achievement                       50 – 59
5                     Foundation moderate achievement                  40 – 49
6                     Elementary achievement                                 30 – 39
7                     Not achieved                                                   0 –​ 29

​​Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy?

All learners are required to take one of the two subjects for NSC-G purposes

​​TUT position:

  • Mathematics is relevant to programmes that require prior knowledge of mathematics; all others may only require Mathematical Literacy. (Details of what each subject entails can be determined by looking at the DoE curriculum statements, available on the DoE website). Apply Online TUT 2023-2024
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