Act Cape Town Two Year Acting for Film Program

Act Cape Town Two Year Acting for Film Program

Two Year Acting for Film Program
Taught by top industry professionals, the 2-year acting for film program prepares the student for work as a professional actor in the film, television and theatre industries.
The program consists of:

Students are offered the flexibility of completing either one or two years depending on individual requirements.


At the conclusion of the two-year program, students are given the opportunity to audition for the prestigious Third Year Professional Program. This cutting-edge training, designed to bridge the gap between the classroom and the profession, offers unrivalled performance experience to a select group of students.


To be competitive in the industry, we recommend students complete the full 3-year program.


Class size is small and places in our courses are limited – please apply early to avoid disappointment. Application form can be obtained through our office.

Act Cape Town is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997.


Registration certificate No. 2013/ HEO7/002.

Higher Certificate in Acting for Film
The Higher Certificate in Acting for Film (1st Year) concentrates on building a solid foundation in the craft of acting through exercises, mastering technique, theory and performance practice. The year culminates in a film shoot showcased at Graduation.
Advanced Certificate in Acting for Film

The Advanced Certificate in Acting for Film (2nd Year) consolidates and refines the acting techniques learnt in the first year whilst further broadening the skills base necessary to be successful in the industry. The year culminates in a short film shoot showcased at Graduation.

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Higher Certificate in Acting for Film
Term 1 7 February – 1 April
Term 2 19 April – 15 June
Term 3 11 July – 16 September
Term 4 3 October – 25 November
Graduation 8 December 2022

Advanced Certificate in Acting for Film

Term 1 7 February – 1 April
Term 2 19 April – 15 June
Term 3 11 July – 16 September
Term 4 3 October – 25 November
Graduation 8 December 2022