Moi University May Intake 2022/2023

Moi University May Intake 2022/2023

Moi University May Intake 2022 | See details of Moi University Application for 2022/2023 academic year admission to apply.

The Moi University Online Application & Registration Guidelines

Before you proceed to application, click on the links below for information:

1 Moi University Courses Offered

2 Moi University Fee Structure

3 Moi University Admission Requirements

a) Self Sponsored Students (SSP)

To join Moi University as a self sponsored student, follow the steps below:

  1. Decide the programme that you want to undertake and ensure you meet the programme qualifications stated in “Our Programmes” section.
  2. click on “Apply” at the top of this web page or at the bottom of this section”
  3. Fill in the required information in each step of the application
  4. Finish the application process and submit your application.
  5. Once your application is submitted successfully, you will receive an email from us indicating your application ID.
  6. Pay the indicated application fee depending on your programme level
    • Diploma / Certificate – Ksh 500
    • Undergraduate – Ksh 1000
    • Masters / PHD – Ksh 2000
  7. Use the application ID sent to your email, to keep track of your application status.
b) Government Sponsored Students (KUCCPS/GSP)

To join Moi University as a Government sponsored student, follow the steps below:

  1. Under “Login” section at the top of the page, click on “Government sponsored” or click on “Log in” button at the bottom of this section.
  2. Enter the required login details
  3. The first time you login, you are required to accept or reject the programme you have been offered. Accepting the offer gives you the access to other services while rejecting denies you access to any other services.

Application Fee Payment Details

Bank details

Co-operative Bank Moi University 01129046897300 Your application no e.g APP_####
National Bank Moi University 01020062991100 Your application no e.g APP_####



Application forms for Post Graduate and Under Graduate/Diploma programmes can be accessed through the University Website ( or may be obtained from Offices of the respective Deans or Director PSSP, Eldoret West campus



Application forms should be returned to;

Directors of Moi University Campuses:

DVC, (A,R &E)


The Director,


Odera Akang’o, Alupe, Kitale, Kericho,

Moi University,

Privately Sponsored

Coast and Nairobi

P.O. Box 3900-30100,

Students Programmes,

Tel. No.+254( 053) 43355

P.O. Box 8210- 30100,

Fax No. +254(053) 43412

Email –

Email –



The application should be accompanied with a non-refundable fee of Kshs.500 for Diploma/Certificate course and Kshs.1,000/- for Undergraduate courses in form of Banker’s Cheques or payable to the University’s account in any of

the branches of the following banks:

Standard Chartered Bank

Ac/No. 0102017899600

Co-operative Bank

Ac/No. 0112946897300

Equity Bank

Ac/No. 0300291768844

Kenya Commercial Bank

Ac/No. 270690608

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Moi University mu. Admissions And Intake

1 Does Moi University Offer Bachelor Of Commerce

2 Does Moi University Offer Pharmacy

3 Does Moi University Offer Nursing

4 Does Moi University Offer Diploma In Law

5 Does Moi University Offer Distance Learning

6 How To Download Moi University Admission Letter

7 Where Is Moi University Located

8 Where Is Moi University

9 When is Moi University Graduation

10 Where Is Moi University In Nairobi

11 Where Is Moi University West Campus

12 Where Is Moi University-Main Campus


1 Moi University Student Portal

2 Moi University News

3 Moi University Nairobi Campus

4 Moi University Website

5 Moi University Fee Structure

6 Moi University Courses

7 Moi University Admission letter

8 Moi University Contacts

9 Moi University Logo

10 Moi University Admission

11 Moi University Address

12 Moi University Admission Requirements

13 Moi University Admission Form

14 Moi University Admission Portal

15 Moi University Admission List

16 Moi University Application Forms

17 Moi University Admission Letters Online

18 Moi University Bomet Campus

19 Moi University Breaking News

20 Moi University Box Number

21 Moi University Business Courses

22 Moi University Course Registration

23 Moi University Campuses

24 Moi University Certificate Courses

25 Moi University Coast Campus

26 Moi University College Of Health Sciences

27 Moi University Diploma Courses

28 Moi University Distance Learning

29 Moi University Degree Courses

30 Moi University Diploma In Education

31 Moi University Diploma Application Form

32 Moi University Departments

33 Moi University Diploma In Business Management

34 Moi University Email

35 Moi University Eldoret West Campus

36 Moi University Eldoret Main Campus

37 Moi University Eldoret Courses Offered

38 Moi University Engineering Courses

39 Moi University E-Journals

40 Moi University E Library

41 Moi University E-Learning Portal

42 Moi University E-Learning Registration

43 Moi University Fee Structure School Of Education pdf

44 Moi University First Year Reporting Date

45 Moi University Fee Structure School Of Business

46 Moi University Fee Structure School Of Biological and Physical Sciences

47 Moi University Fee Structure for Self Sponsored Students

48 Moi University Fee Balance

49 Moi University Fee Structure For Diploma  Courses

50 Moi University Fees Structure School Of Arts

51 Moi University Graduation

52 Moi University Graduation List

READ ALSO  Moi University 41st Graduation List 2022